Cardio haters, what other cardio types are there? August 8


So, August, I was listening to my fave singers last night, Al Green, and I wondered.........what does August like? So August, what do you like in the way of singers? Why

Uh, didn't sleep so good, but I am going to try S&H anyway. I am going to try to cut down the weights to twice a week for awhile and kick up the cardio again. Yes, I know, punishment. I just want to see what happens. I probably will want someone here to have me committed. If you don't hear from me, then please call the people with the straigtjackets, will you? I live outsite Sacramento and I am sure they (the medical folk) will hear me blubbering.

I must get started before I chicken out. Heaviest weights possible today. And going to do GS Legs floor. I did the floor work yesterday also along with my 90 mins of cardio. You read right, ninety mins of cardio. I had never been more miserable!

Until later. And get to work will you all!
Hey there,

I'm exhausted! I think it might be stress that I'm starting to run low of barley.

Mountain to Mound.

Hey, that would work as a song title, wouldn't it, Kate?

Al Green, eh? Is that a recent thing, or have you liked him since childhood?

Oh gosh, the ol' "what music do you like" question is probably the hardest question to answer, and I get asked it a lot. You'd think I'd just make something up. I guess as a musician, saying "I like xxxxx" makes me feel like people will read into it in some weird way.

So instead, I'll cop out with a sort of lazy, if not artsy ;) response.

In general, I like New Wave. Ask me further, and I'll say Hip Hop and R&B. Ask me what I do most often and I'll say Pop, Jazz, Club and Rock. Ask me what I think is the most difficult and I'll say Rap. My least favorite would be Eurobeat and I'm not big on Trance. I like naughty. Slightly dirty but not seedy.

Okay, so that wasn't an artsy response after all. LOL. In fact I guess it was just sort of pretentious :D .

Moving right along...

Do you think your not sleeping well is due to lifting weights? Wouldn't that have the opposite effect? I think you just want to up your cardio and you're trying to BLAME weights. You should be ashamed.

As for myself, I did S&H Chest and Back...and man almighty, I'm just completely wasted. I couldn't even do my Christi, and I even wanted to! Waa! ;(

It's early to bed for me tonight. I have the first step part of Bodymax tomorrow and I need all the concentration I can muster!

Have a great day, guys!
Hi Haters!!

I feel your pain. I got to do Imax 2 today and I haven't done it in a long time. 1 hour of whiplash! I need it though. Ya'll will laugh, but I know my metabolism has started to slow down again and I feel chunkier. I just washed my hair and now I know I will have to wash it again and shower. Anyone else go thru tons of shampoo and soap??? LOL!

Hi Haters -

Last night I did a 25 min run/walk around the neighborhood. I have been liking this working out after work thing I have been doing lately. This morning I slept in late and feel good. Maybe I am just not a morning person?? The only problem is that I am not always able to get home in time to do a workout, and usually it is only for 30 min. But that is a lot better than what I was doing, which was nothing. I am planning on doing a quick jog and Tamilee Webb's I Want That Buns - I know this is really easy, but I am trying to get back in shape here.

The kittens seemed perfectly fine last night. Not a single sneeze, no discharge, eating and drinking a ton, lots of energy and running around. So I am not going to take them to the vet right now unless she sneezes again. If she sneezes again, I will call the vet (and talk to a doctor this time) and see what he thinks. If she has FECV, there is no treatment, it is a virus like a cold with very mild symptoms that a lot of the times goes unnoticed apparently and the treatment is to get enough fluids. She definitely doesn't have an upper respiratory or she would have symptoms. So I will let the vet know that she sneezed a few times and that she may have FECV and see what he thinks. If she sneezes again or starts getting symptoms, I will take her in early.
So, see August isn't answering! I have love Al Green since I heard "Still in Love With You" as a youngster. I have been hooked ever since. And no, there is nothing wrong with the cardio. Ha, I didn't say that, I swear I didn't.

Kitties. Cute. This FECV, will they be able to cure it? Gosh, I love cats. I go to discount vet so it cost only $20.00 each of my cats done.

Yikes, I gotta go.

FECV is a really mild virus, that is not a problem for most kittens, either causing no symptoms or mild symptoms that can go unnoticed. About 80-100% of kittens in shelters have it because it is highly contagious, and about 30-50% of cats in general have it. Only in about 1-5% of the cases does the virus mutate into the deadly FIP, which Lucy had. They have found that kittens that get FIP are genetically predisposed to it, and usually have low immune systems (really young or old cats), so that is why FIP happens mostly in kittens younger that 1 year. So our kittens may have FECV, or may not. They may have gotten it from our house, or from their mother, who was a feral cat. There is a 50% chance that they have it anyway, just because their mom was an outdoor cat. So it is likely they have it, everyone's cat might have it. But it is unlikely anything bad will happen to them, because 95-99% of the time cat just build an immunity too it. Some kittens build up an immunity to FECV and it goes away in a month (but they shed it in their poo during that month). Some kittens shed for up to a year. Some kittens are lifelong carriers and just always have it but are fine and nothing happens to them.

There is a test to see if the cat was exposed to FECV, checks for titres of the virus in their blood. All is shows if whether they have been exposed to it at some point, not whether they will ever get FIP. So maybe we could get their titres checked to see if they have been exposed, though they will probably not get any different treatment if they were exposed.

I've had a busy morning. DH decided to sleep in late and then he wanted a full breakfast (he's barely eaten anything since last Friday). After he left, my best friend called and we talked for over an hour. So I'm way behind now and I'm trying to play catch-up. Oh, DH said the hommade chicken soup I served last night revitalized him. Maybe I'll contribute that recipe to the barley/green bean cookbook.

I had a terrible time doing cardio yesterday and couldn't make it through the whole workout. It's that @#%$% plantar faciitis. Oh man--step cardio is not the way to go when you have PF. I need a bike or an elliptical trainer--SOMETHING!! I need to keep the impact rediculously low--even for me--lol!

I need to run here but I'll try to check back later.

Before I go, August and Kate, have you guys ever heard of Dave's True Story? If you like great and or weird lyrics, you'll LOVE Dave's True Story. Here's a link:
I just had to say what cute kittens you have-the pictures are adorable!!! Sorry to butt in but I had to say something!!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Thanks Lisa, that is so sweet. We just got them a little over a week ago and they are so much fun.
Hi haters!!! Sorry that I can't post as much as I used to but you know the situation.

I"m home right now. Got a call around 10:30 am that Gannon had a fever and that I had to go and get him at daycare. I get there and he didn't feel hot but we took his temp and it was 98.8. I took it when we got home and it was up to 100. He has a cold and is cutting 2 more teeth so go figure.

Ya know, when I don't check in here and have you guys to be accountable for my whole BFL plan goes down the drain. Yesterday I was doing great and then around 8:00 last night I ate 4 cookies and some cheese pretzels. Those are NOT on the BFL plan. What the heck is wrong with me????? I know what it is, I'm just sick of eating the same old same old all the time. I have a major sweet tooth and cottage cheese mixed with yogurt is about the closest thing to sweets. I am seriusly dreading weighing myself on Friday. Dreading it, but will do it.

Sunday's workout was upper body. I can't tell you the last time that I've used a Cathe workout (or any DVD for that matter). I"m doing my own thing for now. Yesterday was my cardio day and I did 20 min HIIT on the elliptical at home and walked 2 miles during my 1/2 hour lunch break. Today was supposed to be a walk at lunch but I'm home. I need to do Lower Body tonight. Not sure what I"ll do though.

So let's see, haven't read the threads, just yesterdays.

Diane: I hope your kitties are ok. Are both of them sneezing or just the one? Wow, September will be here in a few weeks. I hope you get preggo real soon!

August: when are you going home to visit? How long will you be in the US? I can see it now, you'll have an entire suitcase filled with barley. You better hope that they don't decide to check your bag. You'll be arrested for smuggling barley into Japan. HA!

Kate: 90 min of cardio? Are you insane or what? Insanity!!!!!

Michele: I haven't checked in for a bit and now you've got a bum ankle? What is going on with you????

Jan-Jan: yeah for you, no school this week!!! I was considering Power90X but never had the $$ for it. Are you sorry you bought it or do you like it? How is your DD doing?

Gabe and I are searching for instructions on making paper airplanes. I suck at making them. We did find one online, I made it and it actually flies. He's bugging me to make another so I better get going.

Talk to you all later!
Hello everyone,

We just got back from Dr's apt w/DD. She is still a little shrimp, but who cares she kicks a** for being a shrimp! hehe!

It is just such an ordeal in that office right now, all the kids were getting back to school shots so it was a nightmare. We had to wait 1 hour to see the Dr, that never happens. We are usually in and out in about 30-45 mins. It sucked. My DD does not like to sit still so DH and I had to take turns holding her and she was not happy about that. Glad it is over with!

Dana, how nice to see you. Poor Gannon, is he ok? I swear I am trying sooo hard to find a Nanny, I do not want to put DD in daycare. DH is now back on the "you need to go back to work kick" so I have a spot in daycare for Oct 1, but if I can find a Nanny until March or April then I will be ok with putting her in day care. Dr said they do ok in daycare when they are older, around 13-15 months. I know it is such a headache when you have to leave work to go and get Gannon, and having a sick baby is not fun. Poor little guy! I hope he gets to feeling better soon! Big hugs to him!

Ok, so my 2cents on P90X....BIG WASTE OF MONEY....I am sending it back. I am not excited about it at all. Please keep in mind this is MY OPINION ONLY. I just don't like it and I personally like to work to more slow and controlled movements, P90X is not. They move way too fast and I think doing nothing but push ups and pull ups is silly. It makes me really appreciate Cathe's workouts sooo much more. She really has the best workouts for women who use more than 2-3 lbs to workout with. For example in any GS series with Cathe you do the movements at a good pace, you never rush the movements which can cause injury. You do in P90X too much. I just think it is not for me. Now, trying to send it back might be another issue in itself. I may sell it on Ebay for the price I paid for it, I don't know.

Moving right along...
Diane, happy to hear about the kitties. Glad they are ok. Dana is right, September will be here soo soon! Are you ready?? It's hard work! Life changes so much with a child. We are to the point we cannot go eat dinner out since DD will not sit still. It kind of sucks, but then again so do the restaurants out here, so no loss.

Michele, sorry to hear about the cardio. Not sure what you are talking about, but is there anything you can take for it to help? Dr Hubby make you all better? Speaking of Dr Hubby, how is he doing? Any better. I bet you were a wonderful nurse! Good thing he has you!

Kate, oh Kate, oh Kate, oh much cardio today? Can you do some for me too???

August, I will get to you in a few.

Ok, I have got to run again and go to Sam's to buy some diapers before DD runs out. Never a good thing to run out of diapers!

BBl everyone!
Hi Jana - Sorry you had to wait at the doctors office. I always feel so bad when I am waiting at the doctor and there is someone there trying to bribe their kid to stay still. Me one day.

I am ready to be a mother, but obviously scared at the same time. I haven't been around babies or kids that much, except for kids with disabilities. I worked at the Texas Blind School full time for a year in Austin during undergrad, and worked at a childrens ward of a mental hospital for a year. At the blind school my kids were mostly about 6 years, and a few around 9. The kids I worked with had multiple diabilities, so I had to change diapers (all of them were in diapers), give baths, feed snacks and dinner, deal with crying and not sleeping, and put to bed. It was usually about 1 to 3 ratio, so I had to deal with 3 kids at a time. But at the end of the day, I got to go home, unlike a mother. I loved that job and I loved those kids, my favorite job I ever had. So I am guessing that being a parent is kinda like taking care of those kids, except that they slept through the night!! None of the kids could talk (one could do hand over hand sign language which was sooooo cool), most of them couldn't eat by themselves, all in diapers. So I am guessing being a mom is sorta like that, except that it is your baby and you love it even more.

I know it will be hard, and I keep having to remind DH of that. By the way, you will have to change diapers and won't get any sleep for a few months. I think he is in for a world of surprise.
What was I thinking!!?:eek: I just got my new DVD's today. I previewed Kickmax and there is NO WAY I can do those blasts:eek: :eek: :eek: . I can probably do the section before the blasts--MAYBE--someday--with LOTS of practice.--lol! I think I'll love the leg drills, though.

I haven't previewed Lowmax yet.

Diane, I sure hope your kitty is okay. I really think she is. She'd show some other symptoms if she was sick, like lethargy and loss of appetite. I sure hope she's okay.

Janjan, so yoiu don't like P90X? I'm not sure I would, either.

Dana!! I'm so happy to see you today. Don't sweat the scales. I'm right there with you. I'm not planning to weigh myself for a long time because I know it will just depress me. I'm just going to plug away at it and do the best I can.

Dh came home early and we're getting ready to go out to dinner so I'll see y'all later.
Michele - No worries, I can't do the blasts either. You can do the low impact premix (I think there is one) and just not worry about the blasts until you feel ready. I tried to do the blasts first time I did the workout and then didn't do it again for a few months because I was too scared! But then I did it more often if I just did the low impact version.

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