Debbie, I don't think it's available for purchase just yet. His home page mentions a June release, but he's offering to let 5 people give it a test run :D
I’m so excited!! http://www.pic4ever.com/images/greenstars.gif

I got to preview the workout and let me tell ya, you guys are gonna love it!! You intensity junkies will be very happy with this one but, as with all CC workouts, it’s appropriate for any fitness level. I’ll give you a brief review, but I’m hoping Vrinda will chime in here because she can put my thoughts into words so much better than I can http://bestsmileys.com/blushing/7.gif . Vrinda’s posts should be required reading. ;)

The workout is about an hour long including the warm-up and stretch at the end. The music is fantastic with kind of a techno sound that really drives the workout. Todd Washburn really outdid himself on this one. And Sean’s coaching is perfection! I don’t know how he does it, but he truly understands when you will begin to feel fatigued, and he knows exactly how to motivate you to stay on pace.

This workout is somewhat different from anything else Coach Sean has done before. The challenges are longer and very intense. The first one starts right after the warm-up—a 6-minute hill climb where you gradually build to level 3 and finish with a 90 second level 4 effort! The second challenge has two 8-minute treks at level 3. I got very tired midway though this challenge but I very proudly managed to finish it :D . The final challenge is my favorite – 4 hill climbs working at levels 3 and 4 (you hit level 4 a lot in this workout). I had to decrease my resistance on the last couple of hills – oh man, it was tough, but in a good way!

I just want to say how much it meant to me that Sean allowed me to preview his new workout. I still can’t fathom that anyone would solicit MY opinion on such matters, but it was an honor and a privilege and I was thrilled when he sent me the workout.
Wow! It sounds awesome, Michele!!! And you're so lucky Sean picked you to preview it. He's, like, the most popular boy in school!!! *squeals* ;)

Now that I'm back to doing CC workouts (Oh, Sean, how I've missed you so!), I am definitely going to have to add #7 and #8 to my collection. :D
Woo Hoo Michele:eek:

How exciting!! Thanks so much for the review. Sounds like a killer workout which I will be buying the minute it becomes available. I recently bought Volume 2(rev.) - 7 and haven't completed them all yet. I started with CCPP and was hooked right away. It sounds like this one is all hills & treks, no sprints? I still struggle with finding the right level of hill & speed for treks and I'm not sure if it is better to fast walk a very high incline (15%) or run/jog on a lower incline for hills. Anyone want to chime in on what works for them? TIA.

Thanks again for sharing!

JJ, I always have to play around with the treks to find the right speed and resistance. I'll probably have to do this workout a few times before I get the settings where they need to be. That challenge is really tough, but the music and Sean's superb coaching will get you through it. ;)

You will love it!

ETA that as long as you're working at the proper level it probably doesn't matter if you sprint or climb. I've never done the workouts on anything but my elliptical so I don't really know what to suggest for treadmill settings. I believe Vrinda did it on a treadmill and she might have some suggestions. Oh, and there aren't any sprints and it's the most challenging of all the CC workouts. }(
>Evily, my review is so lackluster and doesn't do justice to
>the workout at all. Just know that it's GREAT!!!!! It's
>totally AWESOME!!!! It ROCKS!!!! It will kick your butt from
>here to Timbuktu!
>Vrinda wrote a fan.freaking.tastic review on the VF forums.
>Here's a link:

OMG, I just read Vrinda's review! Vrinda, if you're reading this - you should be a professional workout reviewer. That was a fantastic and detailed review - now I really can't wait to get my hands on this workout! :D

And Michele, your review is NOT lackluster, so shush! :p If you tell me it's great, that's really all I need to hear from a cardio-hater. ;)
JJ, I heart Coach Sean first ;)

Michele, Thank you so much for what you said. Mwaaaaah!

Emily, Ditto. Including mwaaah!

I was just about to copy and paste my review here but Emily saved me the effort. :)
>OMG, I just read Vrinda's review! Vrinda, if you're reading
>this - you should be a professional workout reviewer. That
>was a fantastic and detailed review - now I really can't wait
>to get my hands on this workout! :D

Isn't that the truth!? I'm always in awe of her reviews, and that's why I think they should be required reading. ;)

>And Michele, your review is NOT lackluster, so shush! :p If
>you tell me it's great, that's really all I need to hear from
>a cardio-hater. ;)

Awwww shucks, Emily http://www.pic4ever.com/images/hanghead.gif , and thank you for that. You know, maybe it does give the workout some cred when a cardio hater like me gives it a very enthusiastic thumbs up :p :7

You should do them both ways of course! They feel so different when you walk at 15% for the hills versus run up 3% (my setting for all-run occasions with CC, is to use 3% for hills that I jog)

~* Vrinda *~
>You should do them both ways of course! They feel so different
>when you walk at 15% for the hills versus run up 3% (my
>setting for all-run occasions with CC, is to use 3% for hills
>that I jog)
>~* Vrinda *~

Good idea...I'll keep playing around with both.

>>JJ, I heart Coach Sean first ;)
>LOL!! OK...I guess I'll share:D


Great. :) But dont let anyone else in.

~* Vrinda *~

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