Cardio Coach Press Play Weekend!!!


Hey, this is the last weekend in May, right? Anybody ready for CCPP? I'll leave it to y'all to decide on a challenge. If I have time, I may actually just tack on a brisk walk outside after I get done ellipticizing. I did that last weekend and really enjoyed getting out.

I wanted to get this started now, because I have somebody very special I want to dedicate my workout too, and I wanted to make sure I had time to post.

One of my very best friends has been diagnosed with breast cancer that has metastasized to her liver and chest wall. Back in 2006, she learned that she had precancerous calcifications in her breasts. She had a double mastectomy because she has a family history of breast cancer and didn't want to risk it going any further. It should have ended right there, but it didn't. This spring, she started noticing strange things that concerned her, saw doctors and had tests - and well, she got the bad news.

She's a single mom of two daughters that she adopted from China. She's a long-time runner, a dog lover, and one of the most enthusiastic, happy people I've ever known.

So when I'm ellipticizing this weekend to CC PP, I'm going to be hoping beyond hope that she'll be out there running for a long time to come - and maybe some day we can do CC PP together.
I'm in, not sure about the challange, though. DH has to work this Sat and I'll prob do it early while DS is breakfasting and bed making. Then we are off to the LEGO Discovery zone (I think). I want to get out of the house as early as possible, so not sure I'll have time to toss a challenge in or no. Of course, once I get going, I'll be in the zone, and prob do it anyway!

{{{{{Cuz}}}}} I'm so sorry to hear this news about your friend! I will definitely be in there CCPPing with you and sending all my prayers and positive energy to your friend.

I'll be thinking of Tanya, too, who'll be joining us for the first time!!! :D This Saturday is the first anniversary of her father's passing and I know it will be a bittersweet event for her.

As always, I'll carry each and everyone of my PP friends with me during the workout, sending out my positive energy and prayers for all in need. No bonus challenge for me this weekend. I've been working out hard lately and I need a break. ;)
I thought I'd missed it. I'm in. SRP, I'll think about your friend and her daughters -- that is a tough, tough road.

I am in, haven't decided on which bonus challenge.

I am dedicating this workout to everyone who is going through challenging times, particularly Shannon's friend!
Sorry to hear about your friend. If you don't mind me asking, what's Cardio Coach Press Play? I am new to Cardio Coach (and hooked) and saw thread when I was checking in today.
Sorry to hear about your friend. If you don't mind me asking, what's Cardio Coach Press Play? I am new to Cardio Coach (and hooked) and saw thread when I was checking in today.
Hi Julia, and welcome to Cardio Coach Land! Press Play is a workout Sean created to raise funds for the Choose Living Foundation. It's a compilation of Volumes 1 - 7 that includes motivational excerpts from an interview he did with Jim MacLaren, the founder of Choose Living. Jim was an athlete who was left paralyzed after 2 horrible accidents and he's now a motivational speaker. Anyway, you can get the workout in exchange for a $20 donation. I highly recommend it, and no CC collection would be complete without it. I promise, you'll love it, and then you can Press Play with us on the last Saturday of every month!! :D

Get the workout here:

Here's some more info about it:
Count me in too! I'll be doing mine on Friday, since Saturday is my normal rest day and I start Meso 3 on Sunday, baby!!!!!

Lots of folks I'm dedicating my PP workout to, including a 12-year old boy from our school, whose mom I grew up with (she's also the school art teacher). He had a bone marrow transplant to help cure his leukemia about 3 weeks ago and is experiencing Graft-vs-Host symptoms and some complications with his single (and transplanted-from-mom) kidney. B-Man is what our community is calling him, so I'm doing this for B-Man. THIS MUST STOP and the least I can do is run my heart out with Coach Sean.

I'm in too!!!! Thanks for the reminder Shannon! :)

I will be thinking, praying and biking my heart out for each one of you and/or your loved ones. This cancer stuff is really pissing me off! :mad: :mad: My best friend's mom-in-law is starting chemo tomorrow :(

You too Tanya!!!!! Just remember when I hear Coach Sean say your name, I will be sending you special thoughts and prayers for your CCPP comeback :eek: :D and for your long fought struggles with your ankle, losing your dad and your mom's own fight with cancer!

See you all in the workout ;)
I'm in. I'll be dedicating this one to Shannon's friend and B-Man and anyone else out there who's in need! Tanya, I'll definitely be waving atcha!

Not sure what to do for the extra challenge. I'll have to think on it a bit.
Oh Gayle, I'm so sorry for that poor child! I will definitely dedicate my workout to him and his family, and I'll add him to my prayer list, too.

Mary, I'll be thinking and praying about your friend's mom, too.
I'm in. Dedicating it to my sister's brother in law who was just diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer.

Check in with you all after the workout.

Love CC!
I am planning to do this for the first time (if doc says it's ok) I will be dedicating it to my brother who was just diagnosed with MS. And all of the wonderful people here!!
I'm in - at least for a couple challenges - as much as my ankle can handle. I'm definitely dedicating to my dad, but also to a friend who lost his dad to cancer on Saturday. I'm doing it for his dad too - since I have played badminton with them both for many years. I've just been at his funeral today... I hate funerals. :( But it seems right to dedicate it to all of them. I'll definitely be needing everyone's positive energy to get through it.
I am definitely in!! I love our CCPP Saturdays:D

Shannon- So nice to see you! I'm very sorry about your dear friend and she will be in my thoughts during and after the workout.

Gayle- It breaks my heart to hear about anyone dealing with a life threatening illness but children really hits me deep. B-Man is in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.

Mary- I agree with you about cancer pissing you off. It is evil! Thinking about your BFF's MIL.

Tygra- So sorry about your sister's BIL. Another dedication here.

Catherine- are joining us. Be careful with that foot! Also dedicating this w/o to your DB.

Tanya- I am so glad you can finally join us!! I hope your ankle doesn't flare up. Sending positive vibes your way and prayers to help you through this tough time.

Dedicating to all who are struggling and in need of good thoughts and prayers. Also, to my MIL who fell down the stairs the day before mother's day and has been in the hospital ever since.
Tygra, I'm so sorry for your sister's BIL and I'll send up a prayer for his recovery.

CATHERINE!!!! Welcome -- I'm SO excited about your 1st CC PP workout!!! I hope your doc gives you the green light. I didn't realize your brother had MS. My sister has it, too. How has he been affected by it? My sister lost her vision in one eye following 2 bouts of optic neuritis, and now she's dealing with numbness and tingling in one leg and foot. :(

TANYA!!!!!! It's so wonderful to see a post from 'Tanya in Australia' right here in our PP thread!! I hope you can get through the workout without too much pain. Just do your best and don't worry about what you can't do. Every little bit counts ;). I'll be thinking of you and I know your dad will be proud to see you running for him. I will keep your friend's dad in my prayers, too.

ETA HI JUDI!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I didn't realize your brother had MS. My sister has it, too. How has he been affected by it? My sister lost her vision in one eye following 2 bouts of optic neuritis, and now she's dealing with numbness and tingling in one leg and foot. :(


Michele, he was just diagnosed for sure last week. He's been having problems since Feb and going from doctor to doctor having test after test. He KNEW what he had. His problem was right sided numbness weakness, dizziness and blurred vision. His symptoms are better (he has the remitting/relapsing type) but he is to start disease modifying medications soon. It's a tough diagnosis and I feel horrible for him. But he seems emotionally to be handling it well.

Sorry about your sis :(
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Michele, he was just diagnosed for sure last week. He's been having problems since Feb and going from doctor to doctor having test after test. He KNEW what he had. His problem was right sided numbness weakness, dizziness and blurred vision. His symptoms are better (he has the remitting/relapsing type) but he is to start disease modifying medications soon. It's a tough diagnosis and I feel horrible for him. But he seems emotionally to be handling it well.
Oh Catherine, I hope the meds do the trick for him. My sister was diagnosed about 20 years ago. She also has the remitting/relapsing type. She went for years without symptoms and then relapsed after her divorce. Her doc just gave her information about the disease modifying meds and she's mulling it over. We have STRONGLY encouraged her to take them.
Well, my daughter graduates high school this Saturday :D, so I will be doing my PP workout either Friday or Sunday.

There are so many heartbreaking stories out there. My prayers are for so much positive healing energy to be generated from our PP workouts for all of these prayer requests. For B-Man, Shannon's friend, Catherine's brother, Michele's sister, Janes' sister's BIL, Mary's friend's MIL, and for Tanya. And Julia, I hope you can join us too!! Welcome!

If I've forgotten anyone, forgive me, I'll be doing it for you too.

And as always, for my DH and for Jim McLaren.

See you in the workout! :)

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