Cardio Coach - Now I get it!


Okay, I just finished doing the Cardio Coach Press Play workout. HOLY WOW! Now I get what all the fuss it about! It was wonderful and such a hard challenge. I really pushed myself too. You know, normally I don't like all that talking and visualizing stuff, but when Coach Sean was telling me to picture the hill and the sun breaking through the trees and the snowcapped mountains in the distance, I swear I could see it all. Or maybe I was delusional at that point.

Anyway, I'll be doing this one regularly!

Thanks, Michele;)
Yay Shelley!!! Now you can join me and Michele in our workouts!!! CC PP is just awesome! Can you tell I really *heart* CC PP? Hey, a cardio workout that gets Miss Lee all pumped up has got to be great.
Okay, with a rave review like that from Shelley, I know this has to be good stuff. I just bought CCPP and am planning to do it tomorrow. :D
Shelley... I agree.. there is nothing quite like working out with Coach Sean! Now I'm going to have to get PP so I can participate in PP Day!!! Let me know when everyone is doing it. I have them all except PP and I, too, can't wait for vol 7!
Oh wow ! After reading this review I may need to get this one also LOL, I hear so much love going out to Sean and CC - this is probably what I needed to read to make me jump that fence I've been sitting on :p
i found out about cardio coach through this forum and i've been mixing up 2, 3 & 4. i'll definitely be ordering PP now. :)
Hmmmmm....I have #4. I got such a giggle out of it yesterday because I caught a subtle soundbite immediately following him asking, "Are you TRYING to do your best?" and then Yoda "Do or do not. There is no try". Nice!

I wonder how PP would be for me doing it on my Nordic Track. There is no "hill" setting....there's me going faster and taking longer strides. I can't even easily adjust the resistance on the thing.'s a hand-me-down from my father. Whatever, I still make it quickly to the Red Zone just putting more effort into it.
Okay, okay. Maybe I should try them too, huh? I bought a few for a friend but don't have them myself. Is it time?
Yup! Definitely time. One thing I really love about them is that there's no wait time. Buy it, download it, put it on your iPod. Too easy.
Donna, you have to get the PP workout. It's THE most inspiring of them all, IMHO.

Cuz, you absolutely must get a Cardio Coach workout. You won't rergret it.

Shelley, thank you for lending credibility to my recommendations. I think nobody wants to take my word for it since I generally hate cardio. Everybody probably thinks that if I like CC it must be easy or something -- LMAO!
Alright, it's time for me to chime in here with my rave review. I did CC PP this morning for the first time and HOLY WOW, BATMAN!!! :D That was, hands down, the best time I've had on my treadmill since I bought it a year and a half ago. Never has 60 minutes gone by so quickly on the 'mill. I LOVED IT!!! I never thought I could run on the treadmill without the tv on, but this was so much better than watching tv. Whenever I watch the tv, I'm constantly watching the clock, wondering if I'm close to being done yet. But not with Cardio Coach. The time just flew by and at the end, I felt like I could keep going - I was kinda sad that it was over.

Can't WAIT to do this one again, and download some other CC workouts. :D
OK. Now I definitely feel like jumping on the Cardio Coach bandwagon. My stupid question of the day is can you use this with an IPOd Shuffle as I am technologically challenged and do not have a regular Ipod or MP3 player.

Hi Beth,

Does the Shuffle allow you to put your music in a particular order? The Cardio Coaches workouts are split into several tracks (like 7 or 8), so as long as you could put the tracks on the Shuffle so they play in the right order, I'd think it would work.

Yes, you could use your Shuffle, you would just have to make sure that you turn off the Shuffle feature and leave it to play in regular mode:)

The CC PP workout has four segments that are actual workout and two that you wouldn't have to load onto your player.

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