Cardio and Weights on the same day....for weight loss


Active Member

I am trying to get this stubborn 20 pound off of and would love some advice. I am wondering if I should be doing cardio everyday. I noticed that the March rotation has you doing cardio and weight on seperate days. Is this good for weight loss. Thanks for any advice!!
I think it really is a personal preference. I personally do cardio everyday here lately even when I do weights. I do one body sometimes 2 a day then do a short cardio. If I do 2 body parts then I do a longer cardio on the days I don't do the weights. Like for instance this week I am doing an all cardio/circuit training week so I am not doing any weight tapes all to themselves.

Varity is also the name of the game with weight loss, change things around, even try a different instructor. I am having some success with Taebo again even though I stopped taebo 3 years ago when I found Cathe. Trying it again has shocked my body and I am starting to lose again.

It really is what feels good to you and works for you. Weights does increase your metabolism but cardio is good too.

Not sure that I helped you any but I gave it a shot.:7

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