Carb cravings are killing me....


Has anyone had carb cravings strong enough to send them to bed dreaming about All Bran cereal?!! That's how carb addicted I feel at the moment. It's not even that I want cookies or ice cream. All I want to eat is starchy stuff like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, oatbran, millet, fiber one cereal, rice, whole wheat pasta etc. I've tried tanking up on protein, veggies and fruit first. I've even tried just giving in to them but nothing is working!! Suggestions anyone?
I guess my question is, are you counting or limiting your carbs? That would make a difference, I guess. Looks to me like your craving the good healthy carbs, so if it were me, I'd just eat them. Maybe you don't want to eat carbs so late in the day? I find that if I eat what my body needs (carbs-wise) during the day, I'm fine to limit them after 6pm. Maybe you're not eating enuff carbs during the day then?

I don't eat sugar or refined carbs, but I don't limit carb gms or anything, altho some folks do. Just sounds to me like you need to eat some. If you keep craving them, then you may be in for a huge binge. (If you're like me, that is).

Eat them. Oatmeal, fiber 1, low glycemic fruits, etc., why not? I also have a cereal "thing" and eat sometimes 3 bowls of fiber 1 with fruit during the day. One little trick I use is to drink 2 glasses of ice water when I eat that stuff. For some reason, it helped satisfy me. It takes like 35 calories for your body to bring the water up to body temperature and the volume fills you as well.

I never cut those "good" starch carbs out. That's too ascetic even for me.
Yup - I definitely have a thing for cereal! I love the tip on ice cold water- 35 calories just to bring the water to body temp!! I guess I am trying to cut down on carbs and ensure that I get enough protein. Being a veggie, I'm more inclined towards a high carb diet. I've been getting a lot of muscle lately and have been so excited about it that I have been making sure that I eat lots of yogurt, tofu, cottage cheese etc. But I guess I can't do without my carbs, so I better eat them or I might end up at Waffle House tonight.
Some of the protein powders are really tasty. I'm totally finicky about stuff like that - for instance, the whey stuff makes me want to hurl (tastes mediciney) but there's one called Genisoy Ultra-XT Natural Chocolate Shake that's really good. I mix it with 10 oz of 1% or 2% milk in a blender. It tastes like a chocolate malted. A lot of times, my dinner is one of those and three veggie sausages (total of 370 calories) and I find it quite satisfying to eat that at about 4 and nothing more until morning.

It's weird when you wean yourself off the junk how your tastes change. Now, my big pigout is to go to an Indian vegetarian place nearby once a week and gorge on their gobi manchurian (a cauliflower dish!) LOL I crave it the way I used to crave chocolate cake.
Hey K60 - total co-incidence about the protein powder! After a lot of deliberation I bought Genisoy myself a week ago. I bought the plain, non fat stuff but it tastes good with a little milk, water and blueberries. It really fills me up. I normally drink it while munching on a bit of plain cereal like fiber one. I will try the chocolate one though. My cravings are so different from the ones I used to have when I was eating processed food. Home-made bran muffins and multigrain pancakes are what I call a binge! Indian restaurants are out of limits for me, but as I am Indian myself I cook a lot of totally clean and healthy asian meals at home - Chilli tofu with soba noodles is my favourite dish.
Oh, now you've got me started. LOL. I love all Asian food so much. I make idlis and dosa the old fashioned way here. Pongal, ravi uppma, oh man . . . . now I'm hungry. I like to take tofu cubes, fry them lightly until they're brown, and toss them with udon noodles and a sauce of sesame oil, soy and chili sauce, then put the whole thing on a bed of shredded red and green raw cabbage and sprinkle black sesame seeds on all of it. Yum!

You wouldn't be in Texas, would you?
Chili tofu with soba noodles

Hi prfitness!
Your chili tofu with soba noodles recipe sounds sooo good!!! Would you mind posting it?
I do live in Texas, K60! Dallas to be precise. Gosh you know more about Indian food than I do. My husband (who is German) is also an expert in Indian, Thai and Chinese cuisine. He loves idlis as well but I do not know how to make them (besides I don't eat rice white). Is there a way to make them with brown? Your tofu recipe sounds great - I love sesame seeds.

Here's my recipe for you Girlpower - I do not measure stuff when I cook so you might have to adjust the amounts.

Take a block of reduced fat, firm tofu and cut it into squares. Chop fine - a bunch of spring onions, two green chillies (go easy with these if you need something mild) and lots of fresh cilantro. Make a marinade by mixing light soy sauce, a tbsp of rice wine vinegar,a tbsp on worcestershire sauce, a teaspoon of ginger paste and a teaspoon of garlic paste. Add the the onions, chillies and cilantro to the marinade. Mix marinade with the tofu blocks and leave for 30 mins. (Or you could leave it in the fridge in the morning and cook it when you get home in the evening).

Cut some fresh green pepper into strips. Heat a little olive oil or black sesame seed oil (I use PAM olive oil spray) in a wok/ frying pan and dump marinated tofu into the pan with the green pepper strips. Saute for about 5 mins on high heat and season with salt and pepper (you can also add a little more soy sauce and vinegar). Boil soba noodles in another pot for 4 minutes. Serve the tofu on a bed of noodles (you could garnish the tofu with some fresh cilantro). Hope you like it.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-02 AT 05:05PM (Est)[/font][p]Have you tried using the amino acid l-glutamine? My doctor (who is really into natural remedies and has helped me tremendously with my own carb addiction) recommends taking 2,000 mg of glutamine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and it really does help *a lot*. You can also take glutamine anytime during the day when you feel that old carb monster coming on.

Your brain can use l-glutamine for energy in much the same way it uses sugar, which is a large part of why it's so effective for reducing cravings. It's safe and has no side effects, and I tell you, it's done wonders to get my whacky blood sugar levels stabilized. Of course, you still need to eat well and eat often enough, and make sure you're getting enough good protein.

By the way, there's a lot of great info on glutamine and other amino acids in the book "The Diet Cure," by Julie Ross. It's got a lot of good, solid advice without the "fad diet" approach so many people take.

Hope that helps!

**Edited to add that you can get l-glutamine at just about any health food store, and it's very reasonably priced.

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