<--- Can't touch this

<-tells Susan...WOW...<--am quite impressed..that's a lot of moving!
<--thinks Wyoming must have been a huge adjustment and wants to know if you still visit CA...is all your family still there?
<--sighs as <--think about Laguna beach:7
<--hmm, don't know how well <--could handle summer traffic there but hey, <--have survived NJ beach traffic all these years without wringing someone's neck so perhaps I can tough it out}( :7
<--belatedly thanks Shelley for putting MC Hammer in my head all day long LOL!!
<---had a REALLY scary day!
<---was nearly hit by a car that drove through a plate glass window at work
<---was pretty shaken up for about two hours
<---is thankful NO ONE was hurt and that is truly a miracle
<---couldn't believe all the glass that was flying around the office
<---made the 12 noon news
<---is gonna need a rather LARGE glass of wine tonight:+
<---is soooooooooooo glad Tammy and co workers are OK!
<---is NO LONGER PMSing!
<---does not want to work tonight
<---only walked today; was in no mood for Imax2
<---doesn't feel like doing much of anything actually
<---hopes Missy hits whoever sold her that stove with the handle
<---wants pancakes with lots of syrup; but will opt for salad
<---is impressed by this thread today
<---says have a good evening, will be thinking of ya'll whilest at the Beyond!

<--is VERY glad to hear that Tammy is okay! :eek:
<--wonders how a car came through a plate glass window?
<--is laughing at Melissa's reference to the "tact of a root vegetable"
<--will have to use that phrase in a sentence sometime
<--is also laughing at Robin's reference to a "DH/DT" :7
<--thinks maybe "DT" should replace "DH" forever on these boards :+ :+
<--is being bad because <-- is not supposed to be on these boards during work hours unless it's lunch time
<--says so much for New Year resolutions :p

<---is also soooooooooo happy Tammy is OK!
<---is impressed that at least Nancy still "thinks" about resolution
<---says it's the thought that counts
<---tells Sandy that was really only half of the moves but <---was trying to keep it short
<---'s mom retired in Wyoming then <---'s sister moved here then DH's mom moved here then DH's brother moved here
<---thinks we should move!
<---is kidding
<---still visits friends in LA
<---'s dad lives in Sequim, Washington but <---is trying to get him to move to Wyoming - WHY NOT???
<---is thankful for family - really


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

<-- is glad to hear Tammy and all there are okay!! Yikes!!
<-- took a nap today and it was WONDERFUL
<-- wants many more naps!!
<-- thinks Tammy definitely deserves a big glass of wine tonight
<-- wonders if Nancy has recovered from firing her client?
<-- thinks you've got to be feeling sorry for yourself if you can't even get your lawyer to keep you
<-- has only 3 hours of class tonight, wahoo
<-- should have studied for the upcoming ACE exam today but napped instead
<-- is off to do Imax 2 in a few moments
<-- would rather go back to BED!!
<---thanks Susan, Kali and Nancy for the well wishes
<---can't seem to concentrate
<---heard the car coming before seeing it
<---really appreciates CatheLand on a day like today
<---is glad Pinky made it through her workout;)
<---made it through too, but now has sore biceps and triceps:+
<---says welcome back Sandy
<---would love to see Hawaii someday
<---is thinking sooner may be better than later:D
<-- is so glad Tammy is okay!!!
<-- sends {{HUGS}} her way!
<-- has to get some food in <--
<-- be back later
<--- is so happy and relieved that Tammy is okay!
<--- sending hugs!
<--- thinks that would be an awful experience!
<--- thinks she will hereinafter refer to her SO as her ST (significant turnip):p
<--- has to choose between BC and The Viper tonight
<---is finally joining this fun daily thread
<---is also happy that Tammy did not get hurt
<---is thankful for all the knowledge on this forum!
<---says "hi" to everyone
<---ordered Ryka N-Gages today - yeah!
<---Tried to do a pike but could have been on America's Funniest Videos!
<---Is starving today for some reason (what's new)
<---hope everyone has a great night!

<---just got some Bia Brazil workout pants and they are awesome!
<-- yells "hey Judy!!"
<-- needs new workout pants herself
<-- has Ryka N-Gages and loves them
<-- off to take a much needed shower!!
<-- says TTFN
<---thanks Jane, Shelley & Judy for the (((HUGS)))
<---tells Shelley - DO VIPER...it kicks a** and is so much fun!
<---welcomes Judy to the craziest thread in CatheLand
<---thinks this thread is the best
<---has a headachex(
<-- will really enjoy Judy around here, if only for her adorable avatar!!!!
<-- just attempted Imax 2 but had to quit halfway through
<--'s blood sugar was doing weird things
<-- stopped at the halfway mark, checked blood sugar, and switched to yoga instead!
<-- thinks it should be called yooooogggggggaaaaaahhhhhh
<-- has to run to take a shower and head for school!
<-- is trying to figure out how to lose 10 lbs SOON
<-- has used all the normal "cut back on X, Y, and Z" and doesn't know what to cut back on now :-(
<-- will figure it out someday, maybe. maybe.
<-- hates to write a food journal but that seems to be the only thing left x(
<-- will be late for class if <-- doesn't scram!!
<--says okay, here it is
<--the picture I call "Nerd Fest"


<--says see, wasn't kidding you ladies, DH (DT?) is really at a geek conference :+
<--and you know it's love when I enjoy getting pics like this! :+ :+
<--says Robin, how are these guys for turnip nerd dolls? is this a room full of dilberts or what???:7
<--LOL Nancy!! gotta love that pic, thanks for sending it!!
<--says to Nancy, ahhh, it MUST be love:+ :7
<--sends warm welcome waves to Judy!!
<--tells Susan WOW...is there something in Wyoming that <--don't know about?? LOL, yes you've just got to love family because....well you have no other choice}(
<--thinks people in LA are just a little too strange:+
<--but just loves everyone outside of LA....such helpful and friendly folks:7
<--sends GREAT BIG hugs to Tammy!! OMG <--so glad you are OK!!
<--agrees with Tammy....yes go to hawaii sooner rather than later!
<---barges into thread LOLing at "nerd fest" pic:)
<---thanks Nancy for making this tired grumpy Catheite smile
<---thinks the hump on this hump day was bigger than usual
<---sends ((hugs)) to Tammy and is glad you are okay in spite of your trauma
<---scrinches up face and wishes Tammy's headache away!!
<---thinks maybe it's time to get dolled up and go turnip trolling:+
<---is going to master the art of chillaxing on the couch
<---says have a great night all!:7

Take Care
<---agrees with Sandy... must BE love, Nancy:)
<---says, OMG Tammy!
<---is glad Tammy's okay
<---thinks it's too late to catch one of Robin's $100 bills
<---will definitely sleep early tonight
<---catch y'all tomorrow!

<---pours Tammy a large bottle of wine
<---is very thankful that Tammy is ok and is glad no one was hurt!!
<---tells Sandy that<---wants a full volume email too!!!<---gets home too late to talk on the phone nowx( (the downside of the gym)
<---is so tired
<---had a very long, hard workout
<---is hurting a little
<---is off to the tub

<---thanks Sandy, Pinky, Jes & Laurie for the cyber-hugs
<---tells Nancy that <--- loves the pic of the geek conference
<---hopes Amy feels better
<---'s sister is a diabetic so <---understands what Amy is going through
<---is going to veg on the couch now
<---says g'nite to all you lovely ladies

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