Cankles/Fat Ankles


I did a search but didn't find anything new (2008). I have always had "no ankles" as teased by my sister my entire life. What can I do to combate this??? I have big calves. No, not muscular, just big. I am still working on losing the body fat which is at 24% right now. Calves are 16". I am always a little envious of the little "divots" in the backs of the ankles and mine are just fat. Will more cardio and losing the body fat help????
I've always wanted nice lean legs and even though I do cardio at least 5 days per week and lift at least 4 days, I'm still new at all this. Since January 2009 I've lost 45 pounds and have about 20-25 more to go.
Thanks for the help/information!!!
Unfortunately, no great advice here, just a bit of understanding. I also have very little in the way of "tapering" at the ankle area. Over the years, I have determined that, at least for me, it is largely the shape of my leg and there is not a whole lot I can do about it. That being said, I found my "absence of ankles" to be less obvious (though not "cured") when I was lifting heavy legs at a gym once (occasionally twice) a week with a trainer and running 6 days/week. I actually got compliments on my legs during that period of time, which I couldn't believe, because my legs are far from shapely. Alas, however, I was single and childless then, and I no longer have the time to exercise 2 hours/day. Nonetheless, I have found that keeping my legs as toned as they can be by lifting and running/cardio when I can is all I can do -- it keeps my overall leg looking OK and takes the "focus" (or at least my focus) off of my ankles.

Good luck. I bet you look great no matter what your ankle shape may be!

Lose the next 20 pounds, that will probably do the trick. I lost around the calf/calve (spl?) area by running. I expected to gain there because of the impact/vertical aspect of the gait but instead my calves are smaller.
Wonderful advice. I'm not much of a runner but I am willing to try! I did a sprint triathlon in 2004 and was running some but now I know I need to run more and lift heavier!
I think I'm going to try running stairs too at the local football field to help with overall toning of the legs!

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