Canadian shopping...


Bit of a weird request.But I am sick and tired of shopping around this little town and I wanted to order some clothes on the internet.
But I can not for the life of me find a canadian website:-mad.I need some tops and everything around here is frilly and mutilty colored.I just want some casual but sexy clothing...
So my question is....does anyone know any canadian web sites (other then sears) that I can order clothes from?I would even order something from old navy if I could but they won't even ship to canada.I have tried just about everything..
Besides for that it hasn't been a super day. I think I am getting rid of my car to get something cheaper b/c my car only takes me back and forth to work and the payment is over $400. and when I came home the dog had eaten my dinner so I had a cookie instead:'(.I think I will feel alot better if I could spend some money:)
Thanks for your help,
Hi Lori:

Patricia from Toronto here. Sorry, I don't know of any Canadian clothes websites. But have you tried "The Shopping Channel"? I sometimes buy some Kim & Co., or Marallis. I find their styles comfortable and simple but elegant -- timeless. They specialize in a material called "slinky" -- nice tunic-style tops, and classic pants and skirts. I just love the way their clothes flow (I'm short so I go for monochromatic to give me the illusion of height). Plus, they're so slimming!

I know what you mean about all this "frilly", hippie-chic stuff -- sorry, been there, done that in the 70's. And those silly draping bell sleeves -- oh so perfect for dragging in your coffee or setting yourself on fire at the stove. And I hated tie-dye when it was last in style. And ENOUGH of this diaphanous crap!

Anyhow, good luck in your clothes shopping mission. Hope you enjoyed that cookie, cookie!


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