Can you tell me about P90X?

What is it? I'm new to working out with home programs but have seen mentioned on the board. Is it similar to the Power 90 I've seen the infomercial for? More intense?

Which Cathe workouts does it resemble most? Just curious.

I don't have Power 90 but I have P90X and I have finished my first round of P90X. P90X is more intense than P90. On the next Saturday BB is going to release two workouts of the new P90 Master Series.The P90 MASTER SERIES is just the next level of P90.The degree of difficultly would be...

1. P90
2. Master series
3. 90x

In P90X you will find 12 workouts : chest and back, ab ripper, Plyo X, shoulders and arms, Yoga, Legs and back, Kenpo, Stretch, chest, shoulders and triceps, Cardio, Core Synergistics.P90X is the best workouts series I have found. The weight workouts are fantastic (lot of push ups and pull ups). If you can't buy the whole package buy the weight workouts, Plyo X (brutal jump training)and Core Synergistics. You can substitute Kenpo with KPC, KM or CK. You can substitute the Cardio with the Cathe's cardio workouts (Cathe's are really more intense),the 90 minutes of Yoga and stretch with another stretch workout.I looove P90X.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
If you do a search for P90X in the "advanced search," you'll find quite a few threads on it, especially from last year, when quite a few of us did a rotation.

Choose "Search" from the menu above, then "advanced search". Do A search for "P90X" in "open forum" and in the "subject only" field, to narrow things down.

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