Can you remember how you "found" Cathe?


I was sitting here reading through some posts and the thought hit me, "how did you stumble upon Cathe?" and for the life of me I cannot remember? I mean, if someone offered me $1,000,000. I could not remember how I found her?
I can remember my first Cathe video, MIS, but I cannot remember how I learned of it, and I only found her website via the video.
Just wondering how some of you "found" Cathe? I thought the stories might be interesting to share :)
Plus it might jar my own memory :)
Hey Don, I was changing the channel one day in late summer 2000, I passed by the discovery channel and Cathe (whom I didnt know of at the time) had an exercise show on (cant remember the name of it) she just caught my eye and I like her personality, so I was on the firm website and saw her name and people really seemed to like her, so I found this website, posted some questions about what tapes to buy and the rest, as they say, is history. That day changed my life, and that is NOT an exageration!! Judy
I saw two Cathe videos at the library and tried them and was hooked! Prior to that, I was doing Kathy Smith and Step Reebok and feeling very bored. The library had Step Max and Mega Step Blast - I did those over and over again for a long time until I finally ordered them (and many others) for myself to keep!
I sure do remember! I had been Firming for years and was looking through my Collage Video catalog, thinking I'd like to try something different. The description for MIS caught my eye, so after much pondering, I ordered it! Boy am I glad I did!
Nobody told me about Cathe, I just got lucky by chosing that particular video. I will have to give Collage credit though for providing a great service in their catalog by rating and describing the videos so thoroughly!
Jeanne :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 09:09PM (Est)[/font][p]....From all the wonderful things about Cathe at the Firm site! I read and read and read all the fabulous things everyone had to say about her. I didn't know who she was till then so I popped over here to take a look at her site and then, well, the rest is history.. Mega Step Blast, Step Max, Power Max, MIC, Body Max, Power Hour, Rythmic Step, Step Jam, Circuit Max...and I've only begun. I am totally hooked and the results I have been getting are making me very, very happy indeed!!
I also found her in Collage. I bought Power Max and then Step Heat and then MIS/MIC, once I found out about the website, I got them all.
I found Cathe in a very roundabout way: I bought that book "Weight Training for Dummies" and they had a section of useful internet links, one of which was VideoFitness. I always liked the idea of exercise videos, so I quickly went to Video Fitness. At the time I only wanted a Strength Video and in their review section I noticed that one instructor had FAVORITE next to many of her videos. I clicked on the link to this site from Video Fitness, and the rest, as they say, is history. I am not exaggerating when I say that Cathe has changed my life! I'm just soooo glad I found her, because her tapes aren't in stores and I never heard of her before VF.
Sorry Another Post!

I also wanted to say to Donna that you are such an inspiration! I always enjoy reading all your posts although I hardly ever post my self. The amazing commitment that you made in turning your life around, and the amount of hard work you do inspires me to work harder so I can achieve my goals as well. You Go Girl!
Hi Everyone,

After years of Jane Fonda & Buns of Steel I needed something different. The videos at the stores just did not seem adequate.

So a search on the internet under "step aerobics"
Brought up a number of videos. After visiting a few sites I thought Cathe's was the most challenging.
Logged on to her website and remember thinking "this is what I've been looking for"! And started to order videos!

This was 4 years ago.

There's been no turning back ever since!

I was a regular FIRMie. Love Volume 1 and FS/FC and the Supers and TT but I own most of them. I used to Spin a lot but when time became an issue I had to switch to home workouts. The FIRM managed to keep my weight where it was even without spinning but after a year my eating habits were not helping and i saw lots of posts in the Firm forum about Cathe's cardio videos. Her website was much more well put together and I was very impressed. The funny thing is, i came here to get cardio videos to help out my Firms. Now I go back to them and they seem too easy and the sculpt tapes seem wrong. I never really noticed before, but the exercises for body parts didn't seem even at all with my FIRMs. GASP! Plus after doing Everson's and S&H split routines, total body workouts don't seem to have enough per body part. I like Cathe's cardio and split routines...infact when I watch what I eat, I see fast results with her stuff!
Cardio Challenge was my first Cathe tape. I think I bought it back in '92 or '93? I've probably bought 100 videos since. She's still my favorite.
RE: Sorry Another Post!

Oh my goodness thank you so much for your compliment :)
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes because you just touched me sooo much :)
It comes at such a perfect time too~ I just received CrossTrain Xpress last week, and today I began my rotation, beginning with the Kickbox format, and WOW! During the cooldown I kept thinking, "I think she (Cathe) needs a disclaimer on this bad boy~something like, "Hello, if your big ass is 210lbs., this workout will kill your big ass!" WOW, for a 32min workout, that was intense, but I LOVED IT! especially now that it's over :)
But I was feeling like a wet noodle, and your post has perked me right up, thank you again so much :)
I got interested in step almost by accident through Kathy Smith. Much to my amazement, I could do it if I tried over & over! Then I got to love it. Problem was, I listened to Collage Video when they said all of Cathe's step routines were WAY too hard for me! I also refrained from trying a lot of other trainers for the same reason. Then I got interested in weight training, & I saw Cathe's videos in Collage & pondered, and then I read a letter in one of the fitness magazines from someone who said Cathe's weight videos were unsurpassed! (As, of course, they are!) So I finally got brave & ordered MIS. It was REALLY HARD at first, but I got good results & I just loved Cathe's personality. So I finally got brave & ordered a couple of step tapes. Yes, they were hard for me at first, but I found that I COULD do them with lots of practice. Now I own every workout she has made, except for a couple of the earliest ones which I can't find.
I've never looked back, & I've certainly stopped making my choices by whatever Collage (or anybody else) says about it. I've found many, many workouts that I enjoy very much which I would never have tried in the past. Basically, I have Cathe to thank for that & for many other things! Of course, I also owe the woman who wrote that letter, but I have no idea who she is. She's probably on this forum though, so if you know who you are, THANK YOU!!!
Ruth :)
I *met* Cathe throught the Firmlist a few years ago. People there seemed quite impressed with her. I decided to see for myself, and was hooked!
I have to thank Collage video for introducing me to Cathe.
Can't remember how I got my hands on a collage video catalog.
That was almost 2 years ago and I've bought almost every video Cathe's made. (I'm expecting S&H at my door today and that will complete my collection - except for Step n Motion 1 and earlier). Thanks Collage!
Hi Donna! I first heard of Cathe eons ago from a personal trainer that I had at the time back in the 80's. I think my first tape w/Cathe was Mega Step Blast or was it Step Fit? Can't remember!! I've added on some other instructors but have ALL of Cathe's tapes. Wow was that a long time ago!! Kathy
The first time I heard of Cathe was on the Firm Forum. One of the posters, Lablover, had designed a rotation that had days that said "Any Cathe cardio tape" It was clear that these were TOUGH workouts. Someone asked "Cathe who?" and someone else responded with Cathe's website address. So I came here, ordered a few, then a few more then well, the dvds. Cathe has changed my life too.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-02 AT 02:33PM (Est)[/font][p]What a great thread! I found Cathe through in 1998. I had burned out on Karen Voight, and was dabbling with the Firm but I felt like I needed more. I had bought about 40 different workout tapes over the years, Firm, Gilad, Reebok, Kathy Smith etc. and none of them were working. When I would look on no matter what tape I looked at, they always mentioned MIS and I had no idea what that was, so finally one day I clicked on a link to and ordered MIS, MIC and Powermax and the rest is history! Now I own all of her tapes and have given away everything else (except Karen, I am loyal to her because she got me working out in the very beginning). Cathe changed everything for me, I started working out for health and strength, not skinniness!
I found Cathe thru the Collage Video paper catalog, searching for step workouts that were advanced intensity and basic in choreography. Bought "Interval Max" and "Body Max"; the choreo in "Body Max" looked a little complicated, so I actually began with "Interval Max"!

Now I have gobs of Cathe workouts, but I tend to stick more with I-Max, the circuit workouts and I'd like to bring the hi/lo into the mix.

Okay, I wouldn't bet money on it, but several of you have mentioned videofitness and, and I'm almost positive I found Cathe through one of those! I'm thinking collage, but now that I really think about it, I remember seeing the "favorite" or "hall of fame" banner (can't remember which?)on MIS which made me read about it, which may be how I "found" her. MIS was my first Cathe.
I can't believe I could forget something so important! I mean, she has changed my life and all, you'd think I could remember a significant moment like that!
Okay~my 17 year old is chiming in to remind me, "gee mom, you can't even remember what time I was born, at least Cathe has company!" At least I CAN remember she was born in the morning! What DOES she want, it was 17 years ago?! And I think being pre-menopausal works your memory :)

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