Can you actually get arms like that using the videos?

Or are those arms from the gym? I cannot afford a gym membership nor a sitter to watch the kids while I go. I would love to have those arms but would you have to life a ton of weight to get the muscles like that?
I don't know but I'm trying

to get arms like that also. I must say that I workout at home except for 2 days a month when I teach a class very similar to MIS. I use nothing but dumbells at home and in my classes. I really like my arms!! I want a little more cut to them but I'm not complaining. As for weight, I use anywhere from 8-15lbs. Does this help at all? I'm on my first cup of coffe and I feel like I'm rambling!!
Yes, I know you can

get great arms from using videos, especially with MIS and PS tapes. Pushups also help a lot for great arms. You don't have to lift a ton of weight but you do have to go somewhat heavy in order to build the muscle which in turn defines the muscles.

Check out the PS Series and you will see results.

Will I bulk up?

Hi, Kim. I am getting ready to start concentrating on my arms, but I have a question. As you said, I would have to go heavy to get the muscle built up for good definition. The thing is, I feel like my upper arms are huge already! (this is purely due to genetics, I haven't worked my arms enough to take any credit here!) I was under the impression that to get a lean, lengthy look I should go light on weights and do more reps. Do you, or anyone else, have the answer to my dilemma? I definitely want to get a cut, defined look. (I don't mind some bulk in my arms or legs - as long as they look like "Yeah - I could kick someone's butt if necessary!) Not that I would, of course!
I hope someone can help me out!
my thoughts

I think you need to do some of both kinds of workouts to get what you want. To have definition, you have to have muscle built and you also need to have bodyfat down a bit too. I like to alternate MIS with the PS series and on some weeks, I will throw in a tape like Strength, Balance and Flexibility or just do lots of pushups etc, for endurance.

My idea of bulk is not what some others have either. For me, my arms were the easiest thing to get and they are very defined and muscular. Some of my friends think I am too muscular while others compliment me, so really, it is a matter of what you like and want. I build muscle quite easily and that is probably a lot to do with genetics.

I think you will have to experiment a bit and see what works for you. Try 6 - 8 weeks of PS series and then the same with MIS possibly. A lot of people have had great results with the Firm too, however, I do not own even one Firm tape so I cannot comment there.

Hope this helps a bit. To me, cut and defined muscles never look bulky and most women, unless they are taking steroids, can't get that big. To me, bulky is the big women bodybuilders and awesome and cut is Cathe in PS and MIS. But for others, Cathe's look might be too much so it is really a matter of preference.

Am I making any sense to you? Hope so.


Kim if you dont mind could you tell me how many times a week you do MIS when you do a rotation with it? Also do you add anything else in that rotation for strength or just MIS? Thanks in advance
bulk vs. definition

Hi Tricia! I have the same kind of body type as you, and my arms are pretty big on their own LOL (thanks, Mom & Dad!). I too am looking to get more defined from here on out, without adding size. However, I haven't been able to come up with a definitive answer yet as to what will be the best kind of training to get the results I want, so I've just been rotating strength-oriented training with endurance-oriented training, and I've added more yoga to my workout week. It's too early yet to see a difference, but I'm finally going to take care of the last piece of the puzzle, which is nutrition
. I'm going to consult with a nutritionist tomorrow, and hopefully when I finally have some clue how to eat "properly" I will be able to judge the results of my strength work a lot better, since I can eliminate diet as a factor for my not seeing the results I'd like to have...
"I'll have the Cathe Friedrich PS arms, please..."

Oh, wouldn't it be nice to pull in to a drive-through and order up a set of great arms/washboard abs/perfect legs,etc....But then we wouldn't get the fun and satisfaction of saying, "Hey - I did that!"
Thanks for answering Kim and Jennifer! I want to let everyone know I did BodyMax today - in it's entirety, Thank You Very Much! (Okay, I had to modify, modify, modify...) Still feeling pretty proud of myself, though. And quite sore, to be quite honest! YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!! Jennifer, I hope all goes well with the nutritionist - I've been trying to throw some Pilates/Yoga (The Method is on every morning at 7:00 am!) I am PRETTY OPTIMISTIC, let me tell ya. Let us know how you like the ideas from the nutritionist!
Since you mentioned yoga..

Hi guys -

I'm fairly new to Cathe tapes (6 or so months) and very new to posting here (3 weeks) but have been reading for months (disclaimer). One of the consistent themes I've read is that proper stretching is a critical element to lengthing muscles, particularly after strength training. I love the PS series (partly because Cathe has you do such delicious stretches - after she has completely wiped you out of course). I started with PS and had great results. I found out later, when I got more active on this website, that Cathe recommends starting with MIS (thanks Daphne
), but I had good results with the PS series. I now use both. For what it's worth - take it or leave it.

Congrats on doing Bodymax! Modify, shmodify - how many of your friends and family could do Bodymax. Pat yourself on the back!

Good luck with whatever course you decide. I believe in this websites FAQ section there is a discussion of sample workout schedules. Oh, I should have checked before making this suggestion, but I'm pretty sure. If it's not there, check the past threads.

Hi Allison

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-00 AT 11:31PM (EST)</font></center>

When I do an MIS rotation, I try to do it twice a week, maybe on a Wednesday and Saturday. I may do a lower weight, high rep workout in between if I go to an aerobics class, but otherwise I don't worry about it if I do not get any more weights other than the MIS workouts. Every now and then, I like to do a marathon of pushups, after the cardio. I will try to do 40 - 50 all at once and then sets of 10 or 15 up to 100. Then, I do some abs. I very rarely get sore abs until and unless I do the aforesaid and then, look out.

I know you did not ask, but when I do a PS rotation, I try to do each one in the course of 7 or 8 days.

Hope this helps.

Hi Tricia!

I'll be sure to report in with what the nutritionist recommends
. I have a feeling I already now what she's going to tell me--that I'm eating way too many processed foods (and probably too many calories) and not enough of my fruits and veggies
. I *know* all this, but I kind of need someone to tell me, y'know LOL?

Seriously though, my main motivation for going to see a registered dietician was to get more info about going vegetarian, the healthy way... I've toyed with the idea of going vegetarian for a looong time now, but I've always failed at it, and mostly it was because I found myself eating whatever was most convenient rather than really taking the time to put together something that was healthy and would allow me to get all the necessary protein and nutrients that I wouldn't be getting without eating meat... Hopefully she can provide me with some guidance
Thanks Kim!

Thank you so much for the information
Im getting ready to buy the PS series so that was very helpful too!

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