Can someone please help me with some computer problems?


I just do not understand computers. Posting on Cathe, using Word and getting and sending emails are about the extent of my computer prowess. I've asked some friends about this and they just can't help me and I don't know of any programmers to ask. I thought I'd throw it out to the all knowing Catheites and see what you may come up with.

Last week I installed McAfee Security Suite. A couple of days later I got a message saying my computer was not protected and I needed to verify my subscription but I couldn't get passed that. I got on a McAfee forums site and posted my question there and others were having the same problem but no resolution was really given.

Long story short, I reinstalled it a couple of times and the latest is that it appears I have no virus protection. I got a message saying that "Your virus portection from Zone Alarm Antivirus is more than 30 days old." I did have Zone Alarm protecting my computer but my free annual subscription has just run out. I'm hoping that all I need to do now is to add antivirus protection from McAfee but do I need to totally remove all of Zone Alarm? Will I be giving up something good if I uninstall Zone Alarm? I don't know the difference from one antivirus protection from another. It appears that my computer may be a target right now without antivirus protection.

To add to this, I just got a message from McAfee stating the following:

>"McAfee has detected a potentially unauthorized change to your computer.

SystemGuard Name: Internet Explorer URL Search Hooks
Change: Registry Modified

More Info
SystemGuard Description: Monitors changes made to your Internet Explorer URL Search Hook. A URL Search Hook is used when you type an address in the location field of the browser without a protocol such as http:// or ftp:// in the address. When you enter such an address, the browser might use the UrlSearchHook to search the Internet to find the location you entered.

Process: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
Process Name: Internet Explorer
Process Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Affected Items: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn0\yt.dll, HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-789336058-764733703-1343024091-1004\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\URLSearchHooks\{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}\InProcServer32\

If you did not expect this change, McAfee recommends that you block it. If you expected this change, allow it.">

It looks like it's from Microsoft so is it safe? It gives me the option to allow this change or block this change. I don't know what to do! Any suggestions?

Sorry for the long post but I'm just at a loss and I don't know that it's safe for me to be on the internet right now. Any input you may be able to provide is extremely appreciated. Thank you so much for your help.

With much gratitude,
RE: Can someone please help me with some computer probl...

Hi Bam - I'm certainly no computer expert, but I installed the McAfee security center a couple years ago. When I went to the main console that shows the status of the different tools like Virus Scan, Spamkiller, etc - my status for everything was "not protected." I called McAfee and they told me to check my system date/time setting. I thought they were crazy but sure enough my date setting was set either years prior or set to a future date, I can't remember which. Once I changed it to the current date everything worked fine.

If this doesn't help, I'll check with my boyfriend who is a computer geek by trade - unfortunately he's gone up north in the middle of nowhere hunting until next Sunday.

Also - when I googled your error "SystemGuard Name: Internet Explorer URL Search Hooks," one of the links that came up is the Security Center manual - you probably received a copy of it with your purchase, but in case you didn't, it might have some helpful info. Here's the link:
RE: Can someone please help me with some computer probl...

Reneelsb, thank you so much for responding. My date is current. Thanks for the link. The manual is 217 pages! :eek: Would the manual be somewhere in my computer since everything was downloaded? Do you think I should allow this change as the message states in my first message? Do you think my computer is at risk?

If I can't get this resolved by Sunday, I'll let you know. I'm going to ask every imaginable person I can. I really do appreciate your help. Computer problems can be very frustrating. x( I hope I'm not inviting any uninvited guests! :p Thank you again.

RE: Can someone please help me with some computer probl...

Darn - I thought the date thing was so strange I stored it in the back of my mind and thought it HAD to come in handy sometime. :)

I don't know about allowing the change - I wouldn't want to steer you wrong.... I'm guessing if you did something different within Yahoo (like installed a new tool or updated your settings) that might have prompted the error message - in which case it's probably OK to accept the prompt. But again, it's just a guess!!

I work for an IT consulting company (but in the HR dept. which is why I'm grasping at straws trying to help) ;-) I'll see if any of our consultants in the office might have a clue. I can't promise anything but I know how nuts it can make you feel when you have computer issues and you don't know where to go for help!
RE: Can someone please help me with some computer probl...

Reneelsb, I can't thank you enough for helping me. I did just install a Yahoo update program. That could be it! So it sounds like I could accept it? I'm so nervous about this stuff.

If you ask your consultants, can you find out if accepting the McAfee virus program is the same thing as Zone Alarm? I've had the free Zone Alarm for a year and now they want a renewal fee for the subscription but if McAfee has the same thing (which I've already paid for) then I'll delete the Zone Alarm program.

Thank you again sooooooooo much!!!!! :*


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