Can I use KickMax as my main cardio?

Hello All,
I'm new to the forum as well to Cathe's workouts. I came across her on FitTV and all I can say is I LOVE her workouts and her style and wish I would have came across her a lot sooner!

Anyway, my question is I just received Kick Max and I love it. I wanted to know if it's ok to do it 4-5 days a week for my cardio since it does have the variety of premixes.

I also have:
High Step Training Advanced, PowerHour, Supersets, BootCamp/ME and Stretch Max. I figured I can mixed in the different ones for my strength/weight training, but I am addicting to KickMax right now and would like to do this as my only cardio for awhile.

Any opinions and/or comments are appreciated.

Thank You:)
I personally wouldn't recommend doing any particular workout more than 3 days a week (with a day off in between), to avoid overuse injuries. The blast section in this workout has some very high impact moves, and doing those 4-5 days a week would definitely increase your risk of injury, IMO.

And congrats on your purchase and love of Kickmax, but I agree with kathryn, you really shouldn't do that workout more then 3 times, 4 at the most per week, and you really should alternate it with other workous. Like Kickmax one day, then muscle toning the next, then Kickmax, and then the next day stretchMax or muscle toning or both, it's not so much getting burned out, mentally then it is to burn yourself up physically and start causing muscle fiber tears and then injures. As your body does need a good day of rest when doing an intense cardio workout that can also be considered high impact in certain moves. Also alternating really helps with building up muscle fiber as well as your endurance as it gives everything time to recover and rebuild where as if you do it day after day, you don't give your body that chance, it's slow at getting around and doing that suff, so you want to make sure you don't just undo everything your body was just trying to put in place. Then it will constantly be one step behind and fighting with you, as it builds something you go and tear it down, it goes back and rebuilds it, you go and tear it down. And one day it will finally get mad or give up. And I'm not sure which one is actually worse when that happens, just I know for the fact that neither are fun to experience.

I hope that helps and good luck,


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