can I do this?

With school starting for my kids the mornings are very hectic and waking up early enough to fit in a Cathe video is a challenge. I understand that the aerobic workouts should be done completely since you have the heart rate issue but what about the weight training workouts? Could those be done 1/2 way and then finished later in the day or is this not a good idea? Thanks!
I agree w/ Anne. You can slpit your workouts into 2 by doing maybe cardio in the morning then strength at night or vice versa whatever. Just do whats comforable for you;-)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I have the same problem in the morning with gettting my daughter ready for school and me to work! I always felt hesitant about half a workout and then trying to do the other half later - mostly because of not being sure that I warmed up or cooled down properly ... so the ONLY time I can do my Cathe DVDs is after everyone is in bed - sometimes 10pm at night! I figure that exercising that late means that my dinner isn't just getting absorbed by my bedy when sleeping - at least that is something!

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