Freestyle training involves working the legs somewhat on a near daily basis and it does not use heavy weights, which would require more rest days in between training days. A lot of freestyle exercises involve the use of body weight only and a high degree of reps which is what causes the burn out of the muscles. They are more endurance focussed.
Cathe's lower body workouts are not, strictly speaking, freestyle workouts. That does not mean that you could not borrow some or all of her exercises, eliminate the weights or sub much lighter weights and increase the reps to make the exercises more suitable. For example, on one day you could use the band and do firewalkers (from Butts and Guts), this uses resistance but not a heavy weight. You could add some prone, stability ball roll ins for the hamstrings and glutes (from GS legs, floor routine), add in some front and back and side kicks incorporated from kick boxing any Cathe kickboxing workout) and get a good leg workout for the day. You will have worked all the lower body muscles without heavy weights and in a dynamic way that will allow you to bounce back and work legs again tomorrow, but with a different selection of exercises.
There is not one Cathe workout in particular that is ideal for freestyle training. You have to view them and list the exercises, know how to perform them and then put them together in a new way to make them work for you as freestyle training. Where Cathe does a full hour or more on the lower body, you would select only 3 or 4 leg and glute exercises for the day and mix this with your cardio routine or upper bopdy training for the day's workout. The next day, you would select a different set of 3 or 4 exercises so that each day you have about 20 mins only dedicated to the lower body.
Other instructors have DVDs that may lend themselves to being adopted for freestyle training more easily than Cathe, sorry to say. Try Mindy Mylrea's "About Legs" with her emphasis on gliding discs to work the lower body, and Kelly Coffey-Meyer's most recent release "Body Training" which uses body weight only and very effectively to train the lower body.