"can anyone recommened an excellent stretching video?"
Karen Voight's Pure and Simple Stretch is just wonderful. It's about 35mins, great music and absolutely terrific stretches. She's thorough and lets you know just where you should be feeling the stretch.
For something shorter, Reebok has a tape with Kathy Stevens leading. It's broken down into 3 10min segments. I use that one during the week after a workout and Pure and Simple Stretch on weekends.
Candace(sp?) Copeland has one called Dynamic Stretch. You can check the reviews at VideoFitness to find out if it's any good.
Charlene Prickett also has a tape called Homestretch. Again, check VideoFitness for reviews.
If you can stand her, Denise Austin has Stretch and Flex. It's a pretty good one, quite thorough and she has stretches that I haven't seen on other tapes. But like I said, you have to be able to tolerate her, as she talks a little bit more than I would like.
I also like Karen Voight's Pure & Simple Stretch. Another that I like, but it gets mixed reviews, is Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines & Curves. It's supposed to be a toning tape, but it's really not hence the mixed reviews. It's sort of like taking a warm bath, you feel good during & after. Kari's warmth comes through on video like Cathe's.
<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-00 AT 06:32AM (EST)</font></center>
This is the only pure stretch tape I own and I love it. Scott Cole is the instructor and he is a fun guy. He is a little chatty but his voice is soft and it kinda works in the video. The best part of this tape is how long Scott holds the stretches and he really works the back and legs. You feel great when you are done.
The production quality is right up there with Cathes and he has a great group of people behind him on the floor.
I went with this tape from all the raves about it at Video Fitness. Very happy with it.
<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-00 AT 09:29AM (EST)</font></center>
I have this tape, it is an EXCELLENT stretch, and Denise is actually almost SILENT in this tape. The look is dated but the stretch is undeniably one of the most thorough and relaxing I own. Heck, just watching Denise be quiet is worth the money! hehe.
I can also vouch for Pure and Simple Stretch. There is a tape out by Autonomy (called simply Autonomy Stretch) that is also very thorough, very relaxing. All three of these are approximately 30 minutes.
Thank you for the tip about Millennium Stretch. I'd seen it in the collage video catalog, but was afraid that it had some toning in it, something I am NOT interested in. I'm always on the lookout for a new stretch tape, and I think I might check this one out!
I caught Karen Voight on the Home Shopping network the other day. She was advertising her Core Essentials video that seems to have quite a bit of stretching and spinal erector work. I could be wrong, but I agree with others that Karen Voight is an excellent instructor.