can anyone help me


Active Member
hi, i'm pretty new to all of this but i enjoy reading the posts and they help encourage me a lot, but i've just seemed to have reach a plateau and actually i've put on a pound or 2. i'm worried that i'll just gain it all back again. i'm 35 and i have 3 kids, 13,7,5. i've always exercised but nothing like i do now since finding cathe on fittv last may. i work out for an hour to 1 and 15min. 6 days a week. 3-4 cardio 2-3 weight lifting. now during the winter when things are a little slower here at my house, i sometimes workout 2 times a day, especially if its with fittv b/c unfortunately there are commercials. i only have 6 of her tapes, but i do have the hardcore series on order. i can't wait! i weigh 120 -123. i weighed 156 last january. my waiste is 28 1/2" - 29. it flucuates, sometimes daily, is this normal? does anyone know how tall cathe is and what she weighs. i know her waist is tiny. i try to eat healthy but its hard not to pick when i'm at home all of the time during the day and its so cold and i cant get outside. i think thats part of the problem. any tips on eating will be appreciated, anything for motivation. i want a smaller waist and the last bit of fat off. how can i tell what percentage of body fat i have without calipers? anyone have a good formula? i know i've asked a lot. i hope someone will be able to help with some good advice. thanks to all of you
HI Carmom, i see that 35 people have looked at your post and no one has replied, so even though i am no expert, i can tell you what others have shared here with me. i would love to weigh what you do! sounds like you are doing something right if you have lost that much. your waist measurements will fluctuate depending in time of day you are mesuring, how long ago you ate, if you are retaining fluids...... pretty normal to fluctuate. i don't know how to calculate fat%. the experts will tell you eat clean and drink more water. make sure your body has enough calories for the activity level you are having. stay off the scale and worry about how your clothes fit. and most importantly be patient and don't give up. plateaus are frustrating......we all have them. one of the women who know gads more than me will chime in when they have a min. good luck!

I'll give you my two cents--I haven't had my body fat measured for probably 14 years. Maybe technology has changed, but I don't think there's a really accurate method out there. I really just go by what I see in the mirror.

I agree that you're at a good weight. But if you still feel the need to drop a few lbs, have you tried cutting carbs out of your diet? You'd be amazed at how fast you can lose just by not eating pasta, bread, potatoes, and anything w/sugar in it. Even if you cut your carbs from 1000 grams to 500 a day it'd make a difference.
I will not be much help with your questions. Here are my thoughts. Spring is coming and Hardcore is coming. You will lose that last little bit of fat, then your waist will get smaller. Make sure you are doing some good oblique exercises.

I think it is normal to have your waist size change a small amt every day. We are women and our bodies do retain water and so forth. Do you have Cathe's Bootcamp workout? That workout is amazing for breaking a weight plateau.

Take care! :)
I think Cathe is 5'2" (I have to ask again) and I don't know anything about her weight, but she sure looks awesome.

Just reading your stats I think that for a mother of three kids you sound like you have a great body. Weight fluctuations are normal in most women as long as they are a couple of pounds (5-10 and not 20-40) and the size of your waist might fluctuate daily due to water retention, what you ate the night before, swelling if you did a great ab workout the day before, etc. As long as they are 1/2" and not a couple of inches it is normal.

If you feel like you're reaching a plateau my suggestion is that you should mix it up a bit. If you're doing 3-4 days of cardio and doing 2-3 days of weight training maybe do a little less cardio and more weight training. In my case, every time I reach a plateau I have to add more interval training and circuit training workouts to my rotations. I think that you should be able to get back on track when you receive hardcore so you shouldn't worry about gaining 1-2 pounds as long as you keep exercising.

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