Can any runners advise me on what to add??


Hi! I am wanting to add some Cathe or other workouts to round out my running. I run 3-4 days a week (20-25 miles) with a variety of runs (tempo, hill, long, etc.)
I sometimes do JM Ripped in 30 or 30 day Shred on my non-running days (2 days a week)
I need to lose about 20 pounds and would like to decrease my body fat by about 10-12%. My diet is my main issue, but that's something I'm focusing on right now. I eat good, whole food, just too much of it and too many "good" treats :)
I just don't know how much is too much or not enought to add??? If I'm doing tempo/interval runs, do I need to add another cardio or HiiT workout on non-running days? And then, when should I strength train?
Thanks so much for helping me out. I need to get my body from being "fit fat" to being lean and fit :)

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