
No - but you can get Cary's sugar free syrup which only has 30 calories per serving (tablespoon I think - maybe more). It's really good. I also put fruit in my oat/egg pancakes or eat them with low-sugar jam.

I llloooovvveeee these pancakes. I don't know what it is - but I could eat them every meal!
No butter or margarine aloud! SPRAY butter...that is a life saver! Also, add some cinnamin to those oatmeal pancakes...yum!

My big rule is to stick to the perimeter of the store and ask "will this expire before my children graduate high school? (toddlers now). If it has an expiration date that is hard to believe you will still be alive...skip it (for the most part). Canned fruits and veggies are an exception, as well as the frozen ones.

If you can learn to enjoy natural peanut butter, I highly recommend it. The fat/sugar combo of low fat peanut butters helps you pack on fat. Look for one that has no more than "peanuts and salt" in the ingredient list.

Also, my opinion is you're eating too much fruit. It is a simple sugar and we need to keep those under control and consume them during the first two meals of the day.

If you cannot replace the fruit with something else, make sure to add a protein. I keep a bag of deli turkey in the fridge and I pick a few slices out and munch on those with my fruit, if I have to.

Two Rules to never deviate from...ever:
1. Eat a protein with EVERY meal or snack...CRITICAL.
2. Never allow more than 3 hours to lapse before eating again. 4 MAX but never any more!

Hope this helps!
I'd also add that low fat cottage cheese and string cheese made with skim milk are great snack additions. I also recommend looking for those microwave sweet potatoes. I shop at Kroger and they keep them right next to all the other potatoes. They're individually wrapped in clear plastic wrap. Also you could buy the small 4 oz cans of tuna for a snack. It took awhile for me to be able to eat tuna as is, but all good things take time! I sometimes will add a little mustard though. I agree too that you should cut back on the fruit a bit and ditch the cereal/nutrigrain bars!

As far as calories go, I read in a few bodybuilding mags that to lose body fat you should eat 10-12 times your bodyweight in calories, so I believe you said you weighed 127 lbs so that's at least a minimum of 1270 cals. To maintain eat 12-14 times your body weight and to gain 15-18. Those of course are rough guidelines, but for me they're pretty accurate.

Good Luck.
Hi Traci,
I can't believe the difference in my weight loss by just adding protein and dividing my meals into 5 small ones throughout the day. I have been working out consistently for 11 months (4-6 days a week) and did not lose a pound. Two weeks ago I started eating protein every time I eat a meal (advice of personal trainer at gym) and have lost 5-1/2 pounds. Now remember, I did not lose even one pound in 11 months!!!! (did get rid of some inches :) I find no need to "binge" now as I am always "comfortably full". I kept my calorie level the same (approx. 1600). When I eat a piece of fruit, I eat 12 almonds with it. I make my oatmeal with milk. One meal is a whey protein shake with a banana thrown in. I carry a bag of peanuts in my car in case I am on the go and start to get hungry. I no longer feel starved before I eat a meal. I eat a HUGE breakfast. 1 egg, 2 egg whites, and 2 pieces of whole wheat toast. I actually had to force myself to finish it all as I was not use to that amount of food. So far, so good!
Hey, I think your going great, and its working for ya..
If not then, why change it?

Hi Rhonda,

Actually, I get very hungry between lunch and dinner. I gravitate towards fruit b/c I don't like to eat raw veggies and I am just unsure of what else to eat.

I think I'm doing well, as I wear a size 2 at 127 lbs. but I don't want this to be just about size and weight. I want those muscles to pop through!! When I was in my late 20's I could really devote the time to work out and I was in great shape, but as you know when you work and have children, your time isn't yours anymore. So I realize that I need to clean up my eating (pun intended) :), and get serious. As I get older, I am more determined to be in the best shape possible! I may not be able to turn back the clock, x( but I sure can keep 'em guessing!

I also need to add more variety to my meals as I get sick of eating the same things day in and day out. And I find that as I get older my digestive system is not what it used to be. There was a time I could eat up to 5 pieces of fruit/veggies a day, but not anymore!

So I am taking all of your advice and I will rebuild and revamp a "diet" that works for me!!!!

Thanks again,
Hey Traci,

Just wanted to throw my $.02 in. I am 5'5" and was stuck at 127 for the longest time and was eating about 1200 calories a day. Now i weigh 120 and easily maintain it by eating 1800 calories a day. I eat mostly organic and try to eat cleanly, definately no partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, or anything else that is "fake" (this includes splenda, nutrasweet etc.). Everyone else has given great advice, so i'm just going to repeat what works for me.

Small meals, always with a protein source and some fat. Don't be scared of good fats. Make sure every meal is decently high in fiber. I agree that breakfast is very important. Egg white omelets with whole grain toast and a gladd of V8 is one of my favorites. Home made burritos are excellent for dinners. And when I eat pancakes (or kashi waffles) i use syrup, but i use organic maple syrup. If time is a serious issue, Amy's Organic Kitchen makes excellent frozen meals. (i use these quite often when i over sleep!)

Eat protein with every meal, lift heavy, and dno't eat anyting with ingredients you can't pronounce, and your muscles will start to show!

Good luck!
Hi lbeach!

Thanks so much! I swear, if I fail at this I will have noone to blame but myself. I do have a few questions for you though...did you increase your caloric intake before you got to 120 or after? Also, how often do you workout? During the week, I typically workout for 45 minutes a day. On the weekends, I try to work out for at least 1 1/2 hours. My total cardio days are probably 5 - 6 and I s/t about 2 times a week. I could fit more in if I tried, but for right now that's all I do. Should I be doing more?

P.S. I don't mind your 2 cents! :D
I actually upped my calories and THEN lost weight. Nothing was working so i figured i should do what i already knew i should be more! It was hard... but the weight seriously jsut melted off. I also started doing more weight work, and a little less cardio. weights 4x per week (4 day split) and cardio 2 days a week for an hour, and one longer cardio workout on the weekend. Before i had been doing 4 days of cardio and 2 days of weights.

Anyways, that is what works for me. Its all very counter-intuitive i know, but now that i'm in the groove, it feels great! I know you can get there too! :)

-Leslie :+
OK - That's really good to know! It's very hard to imagine eating more, when this is what I've done for years, but I'm going to give it a shot! I'm going to try your workout routine also, I know that everyone is different and what worked for you may not work for me but what can it hurt? I've wanted to increase my strength days anyway.

Have a great weekend!

Hi ladies,

I just wanted to give you an update since my orignal post. After reading all of your wonderful advice, tweaking it to my own personal taste, I feel like I am finally making some headway!

First: When I orginally posted I weighed 127 pounds, I am now 124! I know I lost inches as well but I have no clue how many. I have an excercise rotation that works well for me now and best of all, I don't get BORED!!!

Second: I have increased my caloric intake,gradually, as suggested. I have also increased my protein intake, I now have it with every meal/snack!! I started eating Kashi cereal and have given up cereal bars! BTW, I love KASHI INSTANT OATMEAL, but KASHI COLD CEREAL, hmmm..not so much. x( I still haven't found the microwave sweet potatoes so I cook the regular ones the night before I plan to eat them. I have also given up Lean Cuisines! Darn I miss those pizzas!!! :) I still can't bring myself to try the natural peanut butter and I have had a hard time introducing nuts to my diet b/c they are addictive and I am afraid I'll eat too many.

Third: One of the most important things I discovered is that my 38 year old body does not handle fruits and veggies as it once did! (I am so sure you all know what I mean so I won't go into detail!) So I have limited my fruit intake, I only eat 2 a day now. Instead of eating an entire box of frozen spinach in one sitting, I only eat 1/2. Whew what a difference that made! I no longer fight the bloating issue and I believe that could have been one of the reasons why I couldn't get my weight to drop! All that constipation, yucko!!!

Fourth: I just want to say THANK YOU!!!! I cannot believe subtle changes to my diet and excercise plan could have helped rid me of a few pounds already!!! But without you helpful, knowledgable women, I would probably still be at 127 trying to figure it all out!

I still have a lot to learn and I hope over time through reading the posts on these boards and tweaking my routines/diet when I hit plateaus or want to reach a new/different level of fitness, I will be able to do it!!!

Have a great day everybody!!!

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