Calories?? Not losing weight


Hope you can help me with this question. I am a group fitness instructor and teach 5-6x a week, either yoga, kickbox, pilates, bootcamp, and strength. My problem is Im not losing any weight/body fat %(need to lose about 10lbs give or take). I am not sure if Im eating enough calories. I try to vary bwtwn 1200-1600 and try my best to keep it somewhat clean, but maybe Im not getting enough? Other than my classes I will take 2 cycle classes and 1 strength or a couple of Cathe Dvds. So I get in about 9hrs a week. Hope you can help and than in advance!
I am in the same exact boat. About 10 lbs. to lose and I can't get it off. I workout 6 days a week (both cardio and weights). I look forward to hearing a reply to this!

Not Cathe, but I do have a few suggestions based on what's worked for me and my clients (I'm a persona trainer). First, I would suggest finding out how many calories you should eat per day based on your height, age, current and goal weight, and activity level. (I like Then, start logging what you eat. I know it sounds like a pain, but most people are surprised at what and how much they actually eat compared to what they think they eat. Faithfully logging everything you put into your mouth (at least for a few days) will give you an accurate picture. My next suggestion is to go from eating fairly clean to eating extremely clean. This means no more pre-packaged foods, ice cream, candy... Stick to very lean protein (egg whites rule), veggies, some fruit, and whole grains (brown rick, whole grain bread in limited amounts). No matter how hard you workout out, if your diet isn't super clean, you won't see the results you're looking for. It sounds like you do a variety of workouts within the week, which is great! Make sure you vary your intensity levels during your own workouts (intervals are excellent for blasting fat).

If you're within 10 lbs. of your goal weight, remember that the last pounds are the hardest to lose. Since your weight has gone down it takes fewer calories to maintain it, and you have to work out harder, as your body is burning fewer calories at a lower weight. I think if you get really tough with yourself on the diet aspect you shoud be able to dump those last 10 lbs. Good Luck! :7
Or, you could possibly be over training and not getting enough calories. This can lead to a complete stop in weight loss. I would (as the above poster suggested) start keeping track of your calories to first make sure you are actually getting enough.

This is what im thinking, I do keep track of my calories and most days its around 1200-1300 now Im thinking Im probably not getting enough, I started teaching more classes and thought I would see a drop in weight, but it is still sticking around the same #. In the past I have been reluctant to add more calories, now Im trying to wrap my head around getting more.
It sounds to me like you're not getting enough. I would add at least 100 extra calories for a few days and then add another 100. This is like adding a good sized apple (or 2 plums) for a few days and then adding like a cup of blueberries on your morning cereal or yogurt in addition to your apple. This way you'll get more fiber and some healthy carbs for a possible energy boost. :)


ETA: you may want to slow down on the workouts (lower intensity/a few days off) and track your progress there as well.

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