Calories Burned


Hi Cathe,

It would be interesting to know approximately how many calories are burned doing your DVD's at a normal intensity. Have you ever thought of adding this information to your DVD's? For example, performing IMAX 2, keeping within the intensity from beginning to end, will burn 522 calories. Or performing Cardio and Weights will burn 500+ calories.


Hello Gabriel,
Obviously not Cathe, but wanted to let you know that calorie burn information is available for all DVDs in the workout manager. If you go to your calendar and go to the Add a Workout button, you can select DVD from the drop down box on the next page. Then select a DVD, and the fields below will populate, which include calories burned.

Note that everyone's calorie burn is different, so the only accurate way to know what *you* are burning during a workout is to get a heart rate monitor or one of those other devices like a bodybugg or a fitbit.


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