Calorie Count Poll


I know some count calories, others don't, and this is more just a personal curiosity question...

How many calories do you consume a day for maintainence? when trying to lose weight?

I dont strictly count calories on a regular basis, but I know I at least consume 1700 calories a day.


Hi Stacy,

I count calories daily, and I'm so use to it I don't give it a second thought anymore.
I haven't hit a maintenance level yet, still have some pounds to go, so I'm still at the losing level.
I usually take in anywhere from 1700-2000 cal/day. I don't plan my meals in advance like I use to, I just sort of feed my body when I need to and by keeping track of my calories I chose my meal/snack items based on how my day has gone so far. I seem to take in fewer calories naturally on days I don't do weights, and the higher calorie days are of course the days I train with weights. Sometimes I go over by 100-200 calories, but it doesn't seem to really effect the scale. I'll either lose or maintain my weight for the week, but so far I've never gained, so 1700-2000 seems to be do-able for me, at least right now. As long as I can continue to lose, I don't want to lower my intake until I'm forced to. :)

I'm a serious calorie counter. I use the food/fitness journal at WebMd. I try to hold my net calories to 1200-1400 per day, with the higher number on cardio days.

I keep a food journal and count calories. My average (except for my pig-out Fridays) is 1630 or so. Very doable, and I am certainly not starving. There is ALWAYS room in there for my evening goodie, usually Sugar Free/Fat Free Jello Pudding. I have the little book by Calorie King that I use a lot.
Guess I'm an outlier: I'm at equilibrium at about 2200 calories/day. On endurance days (long hikes or rides), it's higher. To lose weight, I drop below 2000 cal/day but never below 1700 on a non-endurance day.

It may look like I'm Miss Piggy, but I'm not very big: 5'4", 128 & generally wear size 6. I thought I should post so that other big eaters didn't come away with the idea that they need to slash their calories.

Each person has to take his or her own size into account, don't they? I'm only 4'11, so I require less calories. My job is also quite sedentary.

I count my calories everyday as well.You get so use to it that you can just count them up in your head.I know round about how many calories are in most things.I try to keep my calories between 1200-1500.And I usually manage unless I end up picking alittle bit through out the day.You can eat alot of food when you make the right choices.
I am finally keeping a food diary, since these last few pounds ain't coming off even with Cathe workouts. I have been clocking between 1300-1600 a day, with my diary accountability. I am not starving, but I have given up those snacks with my toddler :). It really makes you look at what you're eating.

(I'm 5-1 and about 135, want to be around 120-125).

I am 5ft10 and 150 lbs (size 8/10)and I am eating about 2500 - 2800 calories a day. I am not trying to lose weight. I usually have to go down to 2000 to lose weight.
I used to count calories obsessively when I was trying to lose weight. I found that I needed to eat alteast 1400 cals to lose weight - anything less and the scale would not budge. I had the fastest results in terms of weights loss when I stayed b'ween 1500 - 1600 cals with a max. of 5 workouts per week. I think I currently eat approx. 1600 cals (I don't count all that much anymore) but that is not working for maintainence. I still have to find that amount that will make my weight hold steady. Anyone my height and weight (5 ft 3" - 101 lbs) maintaining their weight successfully?
I am the same height as you and am 126 pounds.How in the world do you stay so small? I guess you must be small framed.I am medium build.The smallest I can remeber myself being is 116 pounds.And I rarely ate then.(teenage years)
Hi Stacy,

If you are wondering how many calories you need per day to lose weight or to maintain your current weight, I suggest a full body analysis. My health club (Bally's) offers a body composition analysis, and this is what it does:

It's called bioelectrical impedance or body composition analysis (BCA). This simple method involves painlessly sending a current through a person's arm and leg to get a body composition reading. The doctor or technician can then plug that reading into a computer program along with the subject's gender, height, weight and level of physical activity. Within moments the computer is able to provide the person's body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone density, estimated metabolic range and estimated ideal body weight. BCA is now widely available at many doctor's offices. Fitness centers also offer the test, sometimes at no additional charge.

I've been told that with this information the technicion can determine how many calories you should consume. Bally's charges $30.00 for the test. I have not done it yet, but I plan to.

I lost over 30 pounds recently and I did so by having a very strict breakfast and lunch everyday, then doing whatever I wanted for dinner. Breakfast is always 1 cup of healthy cereal with skim milk, and lunch is cottage cheese and fruit, or a medium salad, or yogurt and granola, basically something small and most importantly, nourishing. I don't snack during the day (sometimes I think it will kill me!) and I workout everyday after work. Dinner is whatever sounds good! I try to cook everyday and make things as healthy as possible by cutting corners whereever I can, i.e. fat free mayo, or low fat margarine instead of butter, fat free cheese, sour cream, etc. I trim the fat on any meat I cook, I don't drink soda with dinner anymore. I grill or broil instead of fry. If I want ice cream for dessert then I skip the bread with dinner. Basically I just do my best at each meal without being too stringent. Don't deny yourself anything! If you love pizza, then eat it! Just do it once or twice a month instead of a week. I hope this helps! It worked for me. I'm 5'2" and weigh 105. I went from a size 8 to size 0-1.

Sorry I talked your ear off! :D

I only strictly count when I need to lose 3-4 pounds. I normally eat around 2000-2500 calories a day for maintenance. If I eat more than that for a while (holidays, vacation, etc.), I have to go back to counting for about a month. I have to cut back to 1700-2000 calories a day in order to lose about pound a week. Any more than that, and I'm miserably hungry.

I'm almost 5'10", try to stay around 128-130, and wear size 6-8. If I get up to 132-133, I count until I get it back down. I think the counting makes me more aware of every bite, so I eat less without starving.

Sandi M
I am 5'2", 110 lb, and have 18% body fat. I always count my calories. It keeps me on my toes! I consume 1700-2000 cal. a day.
If I want to loose weight, I either increase my activity to burn 250 cal. extra per day, or I decrease my cal. consumption 250 per day mostly off of starchy foods or chocolate! This way I loose 1/2 lb per week and maintain it (I am very patient that way!!)

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