calcium supplements


I was wondering if anyone else experiences nausea from taking calcium supplements. I thought it was my imagination at first, but it doesn't matter what kind of supplement I take I have to put up with at least an hour of nausea within about 30 minutes of taking a calcium supplement. I have tried several different kinds. I am 40 and totally lactose intolerant so I really feel like I need to be doing something to address calcium in my diet. I love veggies, and know I get a good amount from the veggies I eat, but from what I am reading it is not enough. I have asked several friends about this, but none of them seem to share this phenomenon. Multivitamins make me nauseous as well. Any idea what could be causing this. My doctor just thinks I am cracked in the head.

I used to get nauseous from taking my multivitamin, too, but I was taking it on an empty or nearly empty stomach. Now that I take it after a meal, I don't have a problem.

Have you tried the OJ with calcium.. YUMMMY. It took a few weeks to get use to it but now I love it! My dr. said it's great for calcium. Just an idea

Have you already tried taking Calcium Citrate? A lot of supplements have calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate. That's fine for people who don't have problems with their stomach, but otherwise it's better to take Calcium in the form of Calcium Citrate.

Like Heleen, I take calcium citrate after reading in Miriam Nelson's book "Strong Women Eat Well" that it has better absorbancy than other forms. She suggests taking it on an empty stomach. But if it causes problems, she suggests trying calcium carbonate with food.

DH is lactose intolerant so he drinks calcium fortified OJ & soy milk. And he can tolerate small amounts of dairy. Then there's always canned salmon.

A friend has 3 athletic children who are lactose intolerant & they use some sort of tablet that allows them to consume dairy without discomfort. Another option.

Just a reminder, calcium supplements & multi-vitamins shouldn't be taken at the same time. Forget which interferes with which but they don't get along.

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't know calcium supplements shouldn't be taken with multi-vitamins. I've just always taken everything at once. I have thyroid problems and can't take anything with calcium supplements in it until around noon or it interacts with my medication for my thyroid. I like the oj idea. I could make that a lunch habit.

Why do you have to take calcium citrate on an empty stomach? I've always wondered if supplements just put too much calcium in ones system at once, and that is why they cause the nausea. I've tried breaking tablets up and spreading things out over the day, but I invariably forget to take them when I do this.

I have a real problem with nausea when taking both my multi vitamin and my calcium supplement.

To be honest, I thought it was all about swallowing such large pills. I gag on them repeatedly until I can get them down. It makes me dread taking my pills each day, and sometimes I skip them altogether. :(

I've decided to go to my local health food store and look into liquid vitamins. Anybody know anything about this?
Jeanne, have you tired the Viactive Calcium Chews? They are great, especially the Carmel flavored ones. Taste just like a Kraft caramel. I never have trouble remembering to take them as I consider them a sweet treat! (They are a bit cheaper at Sams's or BJ's Wholsale Clubs.) Also, I have to eat when I take ANY type of vitamins or I get very nauseated.
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