Calcium and fat burning - interesting article

Another benefit to calcium is that it really helps with PMS symptoms. I suffered for 10 days every month until my doctor suggested calcium supplements. Changed my life!

Nancy, I'm with you on the ridiculous amounts of ice cream. It's at the top of my personal food pyramid!
Nancy - I bet your DH is the only one who knows how much you work out too. That's probably a really big part of why your ice cream diet doesn't pack on the pounds.
>Another benefit to calcium is that it really helps with PMS
>symptoms. I suffered for 10 days every month until my doctor
>suggested calcium supplements. Changed my life!

Another calcium benefit: it helps clear the liver and has an antihistamine effect. I recently got into some poison ivy, which usually means I have to have a run of Prednisone because I have a seemingly unstoppable systemic reaction to it. I went to my acupuncturist to see if he could help, and he recommended (since I'm a vegan and won't take the animal-based remedy he usually uses in these cases) to load up on calcium, taking it throughout the day, as well as vitamin C. Though the area where I first broke out looked like I had some kind of flesh-eating bacteria working on me, it didn't spread to other areas (which is almost a miracle for me!). Now, when I feel my body is going into histamine overdrive, I start calcium/vitamin C loading and things calm down.
Great point Dutchie
I've often wondered the same thing. Why do humans continue to drink milk past infanthood. It seems very unnatural. What would seem more natural is for people to drink human milk, but strangly enough this seems bizarre to people(even me). And cow's milk is meant to help calves gain hundreds of pounds in the first year of life. I guess the solution to this extra fat and calories is to make skim milk, which seems really unnatural to me!!
It makes me think of a lot of children I know. Many of them are absolutly HUGE!! And all of these children are huge milk drinkers. I wonder if, aside from growth hormones found in non-organic milk, the cow milk itself is making us larger because it is meant for COWS!

As soon as I headed down this thought process and read up on calcium alternatives to dairy, I stopped using dairy in my diet. And it wasn't even that difficult. This also correlated with, for me, a weight loss of about 5 pounds. I never looked back.

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