Becky, sorry about your injury. Great w/o, 14.5 miles!!
Kate, yea for getting up this morning! But when you need to sleep in, it’s fine too, you need your rest
It all went really good for both of them! So sorry for the situation w/Frank
Angie, I did make it out of work early, thanks goodness I did cause we still ended up leaving home 20 min later than we should have! Hope you all have a good trip tomorrow!
Nina, how is the house decision going? Hope your getaway will refresh you! Glad you were able to get your run in this morning? How’s he feeling today?
Colleen, sorry you are feeling tired, it’s so hard to get through the day feeling like that. Good job getting in your cardio & abs w/the tiredness! Also, I’m sorry for your dh! I actually got all of the costumes done before dress rehearsal! They were late arriving this year so not much turn around time!
Wendy, 1.3 pounds is great! I understand, after a day or two of a fever you really start to worry! Hope he continues to feel better.
Lisa, sorry you are feeling so bad, each day gets a little closer to when you be feeling better
I kwym about make-up, I am always in such a hurry in the mornings I barely put any on, and then when it is time for them to need some, I never know what I have that is still good
Klaudia, how scary? How are you feeling now? I need to do what you are doing, we also have too many Kashi bars – I want to make sure that they are not hungry esp. while dancing and time just gets so short to make snacks along w/meals!
Kate, sorry for the fall off the wagon! Today, just run and catch up w/it and jump right back on
Hope you can get your pool
Anne, hope you are having lots of fun!!!
The day is flying! I am actually not as sleepy as I thought I would be w/2 nights in a row getting to sleep around midnight. The bad thing is that the days almost seem like they didn’t even happen, seems like it is still Monday! Will try to get the dress rehearsal pics posted on fb tonight! All the talk about AS, I think I will do that this evening!!