Buying a new treadmill



Okay everyone out there, my hubby and me have decided to splurge on a new treadmill. We want something that is heavy duty and will withstand alot of users. My daughter and myself run and my husband is a walker.

I am doing some reseach on what to look for but wanted some hands on advice from people who own one. What is your make and model and how does it perform? Do you love it or hate it. We are from Canada so if there are any Canadian users out there you could help us with price range. But everyone post who can so we can get a good idea of a great make and model. We have been saving our pennies and are not interested in a department store model but something a little more "club" standard.

Thanks in advance for your help and advice. You guys are the greatest!

Cybersis :-jumpy
We bought a True 450HR back in January and absolutely love it. Since we bought ours I've used some others, and that made me love ours more. It's incredibly quiet and responds smoothly when I change speed or incline. It's also very sturdy. My husband weighs 240 and it holds up to his running no problem. It gets used about 4x/week for about 45 minutes each workout. It's also less bulky than a lot of treadmills which was important for us not having a lot of space (we didn't want a folding version because of stability). I'm in the U.S., but the price on ours was $2500. Hope this helps and good luck with your shopping. Checkout to look at reviews of tons of treadmills. We found their info pretty helpful and honest.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-02 AT 01:26PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with jcm that the website is very helpful. You might also want to check out and
The Consumer Reports site is a paid subscriber site, but you can subscribe monthly if you wish (check out their forums, as they have one that is devoted to treadmills.) Then there's also, but they have a limited amount of treadmill brands reviewed.

I bought a SportsArt treadmill is January of this year and, so far, have been very pleased with it. SportsArt has an excellent article on their website concerning treadmill motors. I am going to do a search and will return to post the link. This information can be applied to any brand of treadmill.

Good luck on your quest for a treadmill!

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