Butts & Gutts DVD


I have been doing this DVD for about a month and don't see any changes in my legs or butt. I know I will never have a J Lo butt I would love to see a little more roundness and bigger legs. Also, I don't feel sore the next day. I only feel sore after doing firewalkers and that goes away after a little while. Any suggestions that can help me??
What's your diet like? What have you been doing to lose fat (assuming that you want to lose). Are you trying to lose fat as well?
I just did butts and gutts for the first time this morning, I did the premix 65 min overall legs. Have you tried this? I hurt already, its 4 pm and I have been a Cathe loyalist since 2002. Do you do alot of cardio as well as B&G? If so, maybe cut down on it alittle and add more weights? Good luck! I wish that was my problem, my bottom half is always my challenge (and not to get bigger either!).
My diet is pretty clean I do need to lose weight about 30 pounds alot gained from hormonal imbalances. I'm a vegetarian but still gain weight very easily. x( I have no fat on my butt or legs all of my weight gain goes to my stomach and upper arms! I have tried heavier weights but always end up injuring my shoulders picking up the weights then can't continue doing squats and lunges until I get well.

I don't know if this will help you or not but, what I found for me was that I had to up the weights in this workout to 10lb dumbells and really, really concentrate on the muscles that were being worked.

I just finished this workout about 1 1/2 hours ago and boy oh boy evertime I try to get up from my chair my butt is screaming at me!!!

Good luck in finding what works for you!!!
I think it's very important to continuously think about pushing through your heel on many moves, to make sure they target the glutes more.

I've also found that the 1-legged lunges/squats (with back foot up on the high step) can easily shift into the quads more than the glutes if I use too heavy a weight, or if I don't allow enough recovery (YMMV). I find that by puttng a short break (a minute or two) extra before this section, and between sets, helps me keep the emphasis in the glutes. Also, again thinking of pushing through the heel of the front foot, and almost thinking about being able to lift the back foot off the step.

As for soreness, it's not a necessary sign of progress. Some people tend to get more DOMS than others, and there are many things that can reduce it (stretching, eating an alkaline diet, refueling after a workout). You may also be someone who flushes lactic acid quickly (I recently saw a show about Lance Armstrong, and they talked about how his muscles recover faster than most people's and how his ability to flush lactic acid accumulation is much better than most people. COuld be from training or genetics, or a bit of both.)
If you go to the gym also.. I saw great results adding the
leg press and

SQUATS (with the bar and weights)
OH.... MY... GOD !!!

I just finished up doing the Leg Blast in B&G... I swear this is the first workout that makes me scream out loud... Sorry Cathe, I didn't mean to... Specially with those damn one leeged squats.. and repeating the walking lounges over and over... my god, I was about to faint. I could not walk those walking lounges for the third time (yes, you read all right: THIRD)... all crippled, feeling like my legs were about to break in a million pieces...

Are you telling me this workout does nothing to you???
Come on!
Yes I can tell you it doesn't change my body at all! x( :-( x(
I'm very sorry and sad to say my body is not responding to the workout. I do not build muscle fast or much at all. I'm really upset about it because I really want to change my body. I feel it the most when I do firewalkers but still don't see my butt or legs getting any bigger.
If you really are looking to see your butt and legs get b i g g e r then I don't think this workout "as is" is going to get you those results. The weights are not heavy enough and the pace is too fast for bulking. In my opinion this workout is most effective at slimming and toning the legs and butt.

Maybe if you use heavier weights and pause between exercises to recover you might achieve the results you are looking for.
Can you do this workout with 15lb weights? I use 10lbs and feel it so maybe if you use 15. If you want to get bigger legs you do have to use much heavier weights so maybe this workout is not the best for that. I think Gym style Legs may be better.
I wonder if you have enough protein in your diet and/or enough calories. To build muscle your body needs to feel it has calories to spare to use in muscle building. Do you have a protein drink or something similar before or after doing the workout?

I have just done the leg blast premix for the first time today and agree that it's a real killer because you keep repeating the same exercises over and over - so that might be worth a try if you haven't already.

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