Butts&Guts &Sore Butt

Hello Cathe,
I love the Butts&Gutt dvd. I am so amazed at how well you come up with so many different ways to target the glutes and abdominal region. I know that I will not get bored with this dvd. Thanks for making the exercises challenging and fun. Cathe you surely were born to help people be fit and healthy. May God continue to bless you.

Your new fan.
fit mom michelle
Cathe, I also wanted to thank you for this series, usually the legs are not the most fun for me to workout, so I tried the dvd timesaver for the first time today. Wow! was I surprised, I love, love the fun factor in this workout!! Thank you so much for creating this dvd, you really are very skilled at what you do. I appreciate the effort, I work out at home so it's important to have something that's challenging and fun to do, helps me to concentrate better. Thanks again, I look forward to your other series.

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