Burning vs. DOMS


Active Member
Hi, there! I have a question for all of you. A co-worker and I were talking the other day about the difference between DOMS and muscle burn from lactic acid. What is happening when you are getting the "burn"? Are you building muscle, toning muscle, or simply burning calories/fat (for instance when doing step)? I think I am correct in that DOMS = building muscle, but I didn't know what to say about the burning. Also, when a routine (like a step routine) gets to the point where you don't feel the burn (hasn't happened to me yet)does that mean that you have toned those muscles enough to not feel the burn anymore and it's time to try something harder? Or is the burn just an effect of aerobic/anaerobic activity and it means nothing specific for the muscle. She suggested that I should consult a trainer to find out the answer for us, but I knew all I had to do was to come here. I just smiled and replied "I'm sure that I can find the answer SOMEWHERE";). Thanks to all of you for your knowledge and time. I must warn you however that I have another question brewing already :7
Lactic acid build up is from anaerobic activity. When you "burn" muscles in this way you are increasing their endurance, their ability to repeat the same moption befpore tiring.

I am puzzled by your mentioning of cardio activity and "feeling the burn". I don't usually associate these two. I don't do cardio activities only as long as the "burn" lasts. For me, cardio activities are not about muscle building, although of course the legs will be strengthened and tested for endrance, but rather about increasing cardiovascular endurance, where the real muscle being worked is the heart.

I agree with what Clare said.

Also, DOMS is thought to be a result of microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, caused by weight training. It occurs 12-48 hours after weight training, lasts anywhere from 1 to 5 days (or more!), and is characterized by stiffness and soreness in the muscles that were worked. It is not necessary to experience DOMS in order to build muscle. The more experienced a weight-lifter is, the less frequently they will experience DOMS (generally speaking), but they will still build muscle and gain strength. Also, some people just don't get DOMS, and some people get it frequently - it's a very individual thing. It certainly makes us FEEL like we've worked hard enough to build muscle, but if you don't experience DOMS, it doesn't mean you're NOT building muscle. Make sense? :)
Hi, Clare
What I meant by cardio with burning is that when I am doing step, after a while I feel the burning in my thighs. So I was wondering if this was toning or building my quads at all. Does increasing muscle endurance include toning? Maybe I should ask what people mean by toning instead :D
I think the burn in the muscles as you build muscle endurance is indeed shaping and defining the muscle, and therefore having a visible effect, yes. After all, Low Max is based on that premise right? I mean Cathe focuses on engaging the muscles of the lower body because we will burn more calories that way, but also people are "wow-ing" about the increased definition they are seeing in their legs as a result of using LM on a regular basis.

>but also people are "wow-ing" about the
>increased definition they are seeing in their legs as a result
>of using LM on a regular basis.

I'll second that! :)


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