Bun Thigh Rocker in Canada?


Has anyone up in Canada found anywhere they can purchase the Bun Thigh Rocker??
I know its on E-bay but the shipping and duty are terrible....
Hi Jenn:

It's listed at The Shopping Channel (which is based in Mississauga). Check their website TheShoppingChannel.com, under the Fitness flag. It was $239.99, now reduced to $199.99. Don't know about the shipping and handling.

Wish I had the room for one :-( . The equipment that I have is already swallowing my teeny-tiny apartment whole. How many times have I tripped over a barbell to close the window in the dining room? Oh, about a thousand times! My cat tree is covered with barbbell plates and several dumbbells. My poor cats have to enter at their own risk.

But if I had the space, I'd buy Bun & Thigher in a snap because of the raves it's getting here.


P.S. I do, however, have an inversion table that I bought off of TSC a couple of years ago. It is currently swallowing my bedroom!!!!
Thanks Patricia...
I will check it out......
After reading all the success that everyone has had...I just gotta get myself one...;)
I hope I get the same results...
Thanks Again...
I don't know if any of you have one of those stores in the mall called As seen on T.V, they might have it there, but I won't pay over 100 dollars for it, they have been getting it for 40 bucks.

>Hi Jenn:
>It's listed at The Shopping Channel (which is based in
>Mississauga). Check their website TheShoppingChannel.com,
>under the Fitness flag. It was $239.99, now reduced to
>$199.99. Don't know about the shipping and handling.
But I think it must be much cheaper, even with duties and taxes, to buy it from Ebay. People are getting it for $39.99 plus shipping ($25??).

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