I'm sorry -- I just had to re-post this earlier post that I saw before....Charli posted it (hope you don't mind Charli - but it's such great information, and I didn't want your post to get lost in the shuffle!!) I am sooooo excited about finding the BTR soooo cheap. I had also been looking for it for a long long time (at a reduced price).....

Also -- JamminX3 you asked about where to get additional resistance bands. You can order them at 1(800) 823-9998. They are $6.95/EACH for the 10 lb. bands and $8.95/EACH for the 25 lb. bands.


Marci - I just wanted to thank you again for your E-Bay recommendation (I don't know why I didn't think of that since I am always on E-Bay anyhows!!!! ). I bought one yesterday and it came to $39.99 + $25 (Whooooo Hoooooo!!). What a difference in PRICE!! I noticed that everyone bought up all of the ones listed yesterday (maybe that had something to do with the posts here yesterday), but the seller must have a TON of them b/c he has listed 9 more today (I know this b/c the item #'s from yesterday changed!!)

Here is the link if anyone esle is interested.....


Thanx Again Marci - I have been trying to purchase one of these for MONTHS, but didn't want to spend a lot!!!!


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