Bulking Up Question


Active Member
I am curious to know if you tended to bulk up in the legs when you went heavy regularly of if you found that they got slimmer and what weight do you use for your leg work?

I have been doing a heavy rotation this week and my legs are a bit bigger, will this pass as I continue or should I lower my weight?

I am curious to hear what has worked for you
Actually, that depends on your body type. Meso (Cathe-type body), Endo (more fat all over body) or Ecto (people who have a harder time building body, are usually tall and have slim legs and arms, but a heavier center). I think I got it right...right? ;)

I tend to be endomorph, so I "collect" fat and muscle evenly throughout. I don't think - for me only - that I will ever get "big."

That said, maybe you should drop some poundage and do more reps with lighter weights to achieve the "toned" and not, what you call "bulked" look. }(

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
The swelling should subside somewhat as your muscles recover from the additional stress of the heavy weights. When the new muscle rebuilds, you might have a smaller lower body depending on how much fat you have in that area.

I hate it when my legs get big, but it happens every time i start to work legs hard. Seems they subside in about a month and then my pants fit better than before.

I'd say alternate heavy with lighter weights/higher reps to get the best of both worlds (strength and endurance). That's what's worked for me in the past. Any way you can change things up after you stop seeing change is good.

It's hard to be patient though--i'm trying right now myself to listen to my own advice and remember things will improve after a little while.

Thank you so much for your answers - It is a learning about your body thing isn't it! I am going to try alternating with high reps and see how that does

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