Bug Repellent?


Hi all!

I'm going on my first camping trip soon and know I will need some insect repellent. I'm not up on this stuff at all and would like to know if anyone has recommendations. I'd prefer something without too many chemicals!


Try to avoid any repellants that contain DEET (it will clearly state it on the label). This is especially important if you have young children. DEET can cause neuroloigcal problems in young children.

Avon Skin So Soft is an okay repellant and the odor is a pleasant one. There are many on the market now that are DEET free. I have had very good luck with pretty much any of the repellants. We camp every year so we use a lot of it. I prefer the spray on repellant only because it is much easier to just pray it on rather than having to rub in the lotion type, but that is just personal preferrence. I hope this info helps you.

However, if children aren't a consideration, DEET is the most effective bug repellant. Some bugs are actually attracted to the sweet smelling odor of other products.

I use some stuff from Off that is 20% DEET and last 8 hours in the thickest of bugs.

Also analyze your hygiene products that you use. Shampoo, soaps and deodorants should be odor free when going out into the woods.

I'm with Dave. Unless you have small children, get something with DEET! It's the only thing I've ever used that actually works. Bugs LOVE me! If it's out there, it bites me. Mosquitoes, ticks, even sand fleas. I'm very tasty.

If you use DEET, I recommend spraying it on your clothes, not on you, to minimize absorption (what goes on your skin gets into your body to some extent) and using another type of product on your body.

I you are just concerned about mosquitos, there are small electronic devices that make the sound of either the rustling of dragonfly wings (dragonflies are natural predators of mosquitos) or the sound (inaudible to humans) of a male mosquito. Seems that the females are the only ones who drink blood, and they have no interest in the males except for mating.
mercola.com sells a chemical free insect repellent which is basically neem plant extract and some other botanicals. It smells good but I haven't tried it out yet.

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