Buff Badgers Week of July 13


I am back home after being away for 10 days. It was great seeing my family at the reunion. I had a chance to meet some cousins that I have never met before. Plenty of eating while I was away is an understatement. I am definitely getting the nutrition back on track.

My foot is feeling better since I have taken a break. I plan to continue with short elliptical cardio instead of anything to high impact. I need to replace my dvd player so I hope to find time to go to Walmart today. Meanwhile i used the Xtrain book to do Burnsets chest back and shoulders followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Now I need to plan our meals for the week and head to the grocery store.

I did workout in the hotel gym one of the days I was there. It was ridiculously hot in there and they did not have any dumbells only a machine.
Hi Hearty,

Glad you had a nice time away visiting with family.

Saturday I did Cardio Leg Blast and then I also had my Saturday class. Saturday afternoon DH & I had a couple massage for my birthday. It was wonderful. Then Sat. night we had dinner with some friends. Sunday was my actual bday. Sunday night all my sisters and their families meet at my parents house and we grilled out and each brought something. Yesterday was my parents 58th anniversary so we had a double celebration. It was nice. Sunday was no workout. Monday was my kickboxing class. I have to chuckle.. I have a couple gals in my class that are in their late 20's and early 30's and I kick their butt in the workouts at 48 years old. This morning I did Gym Style Chest and Triceps. OMG... I think they will be talking to me tomorrow. I did manage to do all of the drop set push ups on my toes. It was tough, but I pulled it off.

I decided yesterday I'm going to sign up for a class in October to become a Certified Tabata Bootcamp instructor. I talked to the place where I teach classes and they were game to give the class a chance. So we're going to start the bootcamp in January... thinking we'll have better turnout since after the first of the year everyone is all about New Year's resolutions and losing weight. Then they also asked me if I would be interested in heading up their Biggest Loser Competition. I am but I need to figure out how to fit this into my schedule. It's crazy enough they way it is. I need to think about that. Not enough hours in a day. I'll figure it all out.

Enjoy your day!
Wow Brenda. ..that's alot of excitement in your life. Happy belated bday. 58 years of marriage for your parents is truly a blessing and an inspiration to the younger married couples.

I am laughing about you working those young folks in your class. I also love hearing about the great opportunities you have coming up. You must be impressing some folks around there. I think the biggest loser challenge will be fun too. You are rights--the new year will bring out so many folks and it's great that you are planning ahead now.

Yesterday was 40 minutes of elliptical cardio. I went to Target to get a new DVD player so I won't have to follow the book this morning when I workout. I plan to do Xtrain Biceps and Triceps. Since I am on summer break sometimes I wait and workout at 7.

Those 72 drop set pushups. You go girl. It will be a while before I get back there since I haven't been doing pushups much but I am determined.
Hi Hearty!

Glad you got a new DVD player so you can follow the DVD. Hope you have a great workout!!

This morning I did RWH Plyo HiiT 1 & 2.. and got my butt handed to me. I had to take some additional rests but I got through it. I can't do those one arm burpees, so I do normal ones. She moves so fast during some of those exercises and I just can't move that fast. I give it my all and try to keep up so that's the main thing. Oh yeah.. chest and tri's are talking to me today. Gotta love it!:p

Make it a great day.
Good Morning!
This morning I did Gym Style back, shoulders, and bi's. She does the reps slower in GS and definitely feel that and can't use as heavy of a weight. It's all good!
I can't do one arm burpees either. The Plyo Hiit workouts are tough. I tried two of them once and nearly flat on my face half way through.

I did do Xtrain Biceps and Triceps with core 1 yesterday. Went lighter than usual. Today was AOLH with core 1.
Happy Friday!!

Today I did CC6 on the elliptical. Had a great sweat fest going on. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!
We both had a sweat fest going on today. I did the entire upper body from Xtrain Burnsets. I think that just may have topped off my muscles for the week.

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