Buff Badgers Wed. 9/21


Hi girls! I hope I didn't miss someone else starting our thread today.

Mace is doing pretty well. He's just fine in his crate as long as I put the sheet over it. He's pooed in the house twice, but the first time was when we first got home. The second time was my fault-he ran from the front door to the back door whining, and I just thought he'd seen a cat or something. Next thing I know, I see him squatting. It will take time for us to get to know each other, and for me to read his signs!

I did the 36 minute premix of compound & heavy weights from Cardio & Weights yesterday. I forgot to post that I think. My workout time has been limited the last few days, but I'm just glad to be getting something in after taking 9 days off after my breakup. I'm feeling much better and am back to the daily workouts. I just want to increase the time a bit. Now if I could just get my eating cleaned up a bit, I'd maybe lose this last 10-15 pounds I'm carrying around...

What are the rest of the BBs up to today?

ETA: Mace likes to nap under my desk. I keep looking out to the basement to see where he is; my office is in the basement. I keep not seeing him, getting up to look for him, then realizing he's under my desk lol.

ETA AGAIN: Forgot to say that today is my BABY's 13th birthday. Both of my sons are teenagers now!!

Hi everyone,

Jill, happy birthday to your son! And I'm glad to hear Mace is doing well. It's promising that he knew that he was supposed to whine at the door when he needed to go out.

Workout-related, I got up this morning and did Imax 1 and GS biceps. The biceps workout is short but tough... my arms were shaking when I was trying to put on my makeup! I'm thinking about trying to combine the fat-loss and muscle strength rotations from March, although I'd swap out a couple of the Hardcore workouts for other similar workouts (ex., Imax 1 or 2 in place of doing only Imax 3). I think after doing the August rotation, my body has gotten used to being pushed harder, so I'm going to take advantage of it while it lasts.

Our black lab had surgery this morning. We found a lump on her side that turned out to be a non-cancerous fatty deposit, so we had it removed just to be safe and because the vet said it probably would grow. My boyfriend just called to say that it went well and she's waking up (he talked to the vet), so that's a relief. We lost a dog to cancer about two years ago, so finding the lump on Bailey brought back a lot of hard memories. I'm so glad she's healthy.

Take care everybody,
Morning BB's,

Today will be GS CT, GS Legs Standing, and CTX Kickbox cardio only.

Jill, sounds like Mace is getting to know you pretty well. Seems like you are having a great time with him. Except for the poo!!!! ;) My eldest DD will be 13 in March! Have to wait 4 years before I have two teenagers. Yippee! x( Give an extra hug from me for the Birthday Boy! Hope he has a great day.

Only 2-1/2 days until vacation officially starts. We will be busy all weekend until the plane leaves on Monday. DD has her first swim meet on Saturday, and we are going to the zoo on Sunday. I'm getting excited. :D

Have a great day!

Ellen I'm glad to her your dog is okay. And shaking arms are a good thing!

Laurie-are you guys excited about Disney?! I wish I was going on vacation. :) I know you'll have fun and the girls will have a lifetime memory.

So another ? about the pup-----the foster dad said he was feeding him one cup of food, three times per day. But he doesn't seem to eat it all. Should I just leave him to free feed? Or should I give him a set time and then decide he's done? I do NOT want this dog getting fat like me cats!

(He's sleeping under my desk and he's dreaming. Must be a running dream!)
Hi Jill,

When my two dogs moved in together, I had to teach them to be on a feeding schedule instead of free-feeding, because one would always hog the other's food. It took a little time but they caught on pretty quickly. I fed them at the same time every day and picked up both bowls when I was ready to leave for work; they learned that that was their eating time.

Anyway, here's what we do: They're fed at about 7:30 a.m. and 7ish p.m. each day, with treats in between. Sometimes they don't finish or don't eat at all, but I don't force it. Our Aussie, in particular, is VERY routine-oriented, and if anything is out of the ordinary in the morning, she just won't eat. I leave their bowls on the floor for them to finish when they're hungry, and they usually do. If they haven't eaten everything by the time their evening meal rolls around, I usually will give them a little more than they'd normally get or maybe a couple of milkbones.

When I lived by myself, I let my dog free-feed, but now I prefer the scheduled feedings because I can keep better track of how much she's eating. Both of our dogs were slightly overweight for a while, so we had to start measuring their food, but that wasn't a big deal. Some dog foods are higher in calories than others, of course. I'd talk to your vet when you take him in to find out his/her recommendations for food. Puppies are different, of course, because they're growing so fast and need the extra calories.

Oh, and our vet gave us a list of the different types of dog food, with calories and recommended amounts; that made it a lot easier. We feed them different amounts because our lab is twice the size of our Australian cattle dog. Your pup also may just be a little nervous, so maybe he's not feeling up to eating as much as he normally would. I'm sure it'll even out.

How's that for a long response? :)

Long but extremely helpful! Thanks. I need to call my vet today-I forgot yesterday and def. want to take him in, at the very least to check for worms and/or ear mites. I bought a huge bag of Eukenuba puppy food. $$$ but I know it's better for them in the long run. I'd rather spend money on good food than vet bills!

ETA: They can get me in tomorrow!
Hi, BBs!

Jill - Glad to hear it's going well with the puppy.

One of our cats got outside last night through a window one of my son's friends left open after he crawled through it into the house!x( Needless to say, my son can't play with this little boy for a few days. We were panic-stricken for about 10 minutes before my daughter discovered the cat had returned inside the house through the same open window before we shut it. Whew! She's such a sweet cat and we'd hate to lose her.

For today's workout I did a 4 mile jog/walk + 200 walking lunges and ball stretch #1.

I've been reading "You: The Owner's Manual" by Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. It's really interesting! It goes beyond telling you sugar and saturated fats are bad for you by explaining how these things (high blood pressure, high blood sugar level, inflammation, etc.) cause "nics" in your arteries which are repaired by cholesterol in your body. If you have too much bad cholesterol (LDL), blockage may occur. The good cholesterol (HDL) acts like a spatula and helps keep your arteries clean. Kind of makes you think twice before eating that donut or whatever. LOL

Enjoy the last day of summer!

Jill - 3 cups of food sounds like quite a bit. How much does he weigh? Muggs is 34#s which is a little more than he should weigh but he is working on that. :) We were feeding him between 1 1/2 to 2 cups per day and the vet wanted us to go to 1 cup. We are staying with the 1 1/2 cups since 1 cup doesn't seem enough and if not enough he would find a way to take matters in his own paws. We feed him Nutro Light dry and divide his food between 2 feedings. Glad Macey is doing well. Muggs would never bark when he had to go out. He would just sit on the stairs and hope we noticed him. Now we have a routine so it isn't a problem. He is mopey this week with DH being gone. So am I.
Hi Everyone!

Did Body Max today, but minus the arm work. I use to like this one sooo much, but now it seems ho hum. I love the ab work though. Oh well, it got it's use over the years, but I doubt I will embark on it any time soon.

Jill, sounds like you have your hands full but are having fun with the dog.

I hope you guys are enjoying the weather. I would kill for 70's about now. I am getting tired of the 100 degree days. They say 3 more weeks and it will be in the 80's. I can't wait. I'm getting better at working out in the higher temperatures of my house. But, I sure miss my recroom. Oh well, I think we will be back in a couple years. I sure get sick of hearing former Wisconsinites bash Wisconsin out here. "The winters are lousy," "I'm so glad to be out of there." I remind them of the awful summers here though.}( They don't like that too much. It's like it doesn't happen. I don't think it's that great here. A lot of brown. I hope it get's better. Still haven't sold our house yet and the bills are coming in. 2 mortgage payments are too much. I'm getting nervous that we won't sell till after Christmas. I think we need to lower the price. I try not to think about it too much, or I get depressed.

Take Care,
Hi everyone,

Sorry once again that I've been MIA. We are in the middle of a carpeting project that has become more work than we had thought it would be. It's basically like moving all the furniture in the house...just not moving anywhere. So it's interesting to say the least. We have to re-cover from last week's upstairs install and get ready for next Friday's downstairs install. Yikes!

AND hubby and had a little surprise...I just found out that I am pregnant! It's very early yet, I'm only 5 weeks, but I'm hoping that everything goes well!

I started working out again this week - I was too fatigued to do anything last week. So I'm hoping to keep up with that to make things easier on myself and baby through the pregnancy. The only downside to this is that my hubby told his brother tonight, and he informed us that his wife is also pregnant - 3 months. This is my first, so it feels like it kinda knocked the wind out of my sail...but I know it shouldn't. Feeling a bit down tonight, but tomorrow morning will be a new day - and another workout!!!

Take care all. I'll try not to be so absent!

Congratulations Amy! I'm sure your pregnancy will not be lost in the news of your SIL. It should be nice having someone else that will understand what you are going through and the kids will be about the same age.

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