Buff Badgers Thur 6/15


Morning BB's,

Today will be a 3 mile run, PUB, and BBW.

We WON our softball game last night 4-3. And I'm finally hitting! Put out a 3 run homer on my first time up to bat. Felt great! :D

Sue, you can tell us all the good things about your children. I think when they accomplish or improve on something they have done, it is to be praised and bragged about! ;) It helps them to get the confidence that they need in the big bad world. }( Tell her Great Job!

Jill, Congrats on the weight loss. Glad it is working for you. Glad your DS got the job, the boys will probably end up having a great time together this summer.

Marie, quit drinking so much coffee! Just kidding, hope the sleeping issue gets better for you.

I was going to go to a retirement party tonight, but I have so much to do before the weekend. I'm going to stay home tonight. We will be celebrating my Dad's 70th b'day on Saturday. I will be heading up to the great north woods on Friday. Need to bake some b'day cookies for him. The man doesn't need anything else, so I'm thinking a little bit of his favorite cookie would be a good choice.

Have a great day!

Hello Laurie and those that follow!

Laurie, hope you enjoy your Dad's Birthday. My dad moved to North Carolina so I don't get to see him as often as I'd like. I am always a "daddy's girl"..

So far today I walked for 35 minutes and did 40 mins of strength. When my DD has her soccer practice tonight I will walk the track for 45 minutes.

I have my 20th class reunion in Beloit this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing my girlfriends that I've missed the past few years. Thankfully with the internet we've been keeping in touch with eachother. My best buddy and I have been friends for 28 years! Man, time flies!!

Have a great day lasies- Susan
>Have a great day lasies- Susan

Susan - LOL! Some days I really do feel lasie (or lazy) and would rather stay in bed than workout.

Laurie - Congrats on your victory and good job hitting the 3 run homer! Adults need to be praised, too! ;) Mmmmmm. . . cookies :9 (as Homer Simpson would say)

Jill - Forgot to congratulate you on your weight loss. I've come to a standstill on mine. x(

Hi, Marie!

Had to get to work early this morning so got up at 4:30 to workout! Ugh! That's way too early. Don't know how you do it, Marie. Did KPC and despite the early hour made it all the way thru. The cooler weather has been nice for working out but the hot, sticky stuff is coming. Good Noah's Ark weather at least. We're going next Wednesday.

Have a great Thursday everyone!


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