Buff Badgers 9-7-05


I'm the 1st to post today? Where is everyone?

Okay, you guys may laugh but last night I had extra energy but wanted to do something easy. Rather than going for a walk like I'd usually do, I pulled out Gilad Step and Tone. I haven't had a VHS player in my workout room for almost a year so for that reason, plus the fact that many of my older VHS workouts are too easy for me now, I hadn't done this one in awhile. I was curious how I'd do, too.

Well, I must say that I worked up quite a sweat! My hands were so sweaty I could barely hold onto the dumbells at the end. I used an 8" step and 5 pound dumbells. The choreography is mind-numbingly boring but it brought back memories of my early days working out before I discovered Cathe.

Continuing with the September rotation, I did Leaner Legs this morning and added on All Step abs.

Hello BB's,

It has been a very busy morning for me. I hate having meetings first thing when I get into work. x( Makes everything else back up.

Today will be a premix from Kickmax. The kickbox/bootcamp challenge. This one is more like how KPC is set up. I was thinking of trying one of the new Turbo Jam's that I received yesterday! Might start out with that and then go right into the drills from KM. We will see how much time I have. Youngest DD starts up her swim lessons tonight.

Sue, Every once in a while I have pulled out some of my old VHS tapes and found it was easy to do, but I also would up the intensity. }(

Have a great day!

Sue - Since I workout at 4am - mind numbingly boring is good and something I can actually do at that time of the day.

I did a Caribbean Workout DVd this morning. I really wanted to do another Turbo Jam but thought I was neglecting my others. Tomorrow is weights so hoping to try Cathe's new step on Friday. Might try Push/Pull tomorrow if I have enough time.

The 2nd workout I bought was Firm Volume 6 and I still love this one but don't pull it out all that often. I really feel this one in my legs. Wish it would come out on DVD but I acquired a back up to my VHS copy just in case my original one goes.

Busy week both at work and home.

Laurie - I love meeting-free days! I always feel like I get so much more done. All my meetings are in another building and I need to drive and park so that takes even more time. And I hate giving up my good parking spot! :(
Hi everybody,

Today has been insane. I feel like I've been running around for hours. This morning I got up and did Step Blast and the last five intervals from Imax 1. The rotation called for Step Fit, but that's not one of my favorites, so I switched.

I've had a million meetings today and still have more this afternoon. Then while I was at a doctor's appointment, my boyfriend was taking our black lab to the vet because we found a lump on her side. My family lost a dog to cancer a couple of years ago, so my boyfriend was really in a panic, thinking that Bailey was sick now too. Luckily, it turned out that the lump is a fatty, benign tumor -- what a relief! We're going to have it removed in a couple of weeks anyway just in case. Plus, it probably would grow and become awkward for her if we ignore it. I didn't think it was serious for her, when comparing it to our other dog. He stopped eating and lost a great deal of weight while the vets were trying to diagnose him. Bailey hasn't displayed any signs of illness, but it's better to be cautious I think.

Anyway, have a great day! It's got to end eventually, right? :)
Hi all,

Once again, sorry I've been MIA. I had a good start to the week. Started back to school yesterday, and have gotten up early both yesterday and today and worked out. Yesterday I did Cardio & Weights (fitTV version) and last night hubby and I took pooches (and the dogs too hehehehehe) for a walk/run in our new running shoes. It was really nice...worked up a good sweat and then did part of start it up from the Slim in 6 program. This morning did Ramp it up and I am going to do the 6 week rotation. I'm sure it will be somewhat boring, but I'm hoping to get some nice results to jump start my efforts. I also hope to find a good CD to use in placed of the music on the DVD. Any suggestions would be very welcome!!!

If weather permits, we may do another walk/run with the pooches. AFTER we fold laundry, of course ;)

Have a good night everyone!

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