Buff Badgers 8-7-06


Morning all! Back to work this week and hopefully back on track with my diet, too. I started out the week well but finished poorly. Can hardly wait to spend the day reading email and returning voicemail messages - NOT! Somehow the cats seem to know something is different from last week, too. The boy cat was chomping on my hair before my alarm went off almost like he knew I had to get up.

Went outside this morning - foggy and humid - for 4.5 miles. Yesterday I did GS-Legs and have a feeling I'll be feeling that later on today.

Laurie - We had a great time at Ren Faire! DH was asking me all sorts of questions later I couldn't answer like "How long has she been doing this?" and "Do they give you lessons on how to speak Medieval English?" Sorry we had to dash off but I knew if DS didn't get a chance to buy a sword we'd never hear the end of it. Both kids ended up buying swords and sword holders. DH took lots of pictures - 1 with your daughters in the background. I'll post them in my picturetrail as soon as I can so you can see. As humid as it was on Saturday, we're glad we didn't go yesterday after the rain yesterday morning. I'll bet it was muddy - but cooler at least.

Morning BB's,

Today will be SH Back/Biceps, plus a 25 Min Run.

Sue, I'm so glad you and your family had a good time. And don't worry about the dashing off. There is so much to see and do, and a sword is a very important item. :D This year my youngest is after us for a wool pig, puppet, etc...... ;-) We as a family are into our eighth year at the faire, and we are still having a great time. And yes they do give you classes on everything from speaking the speak and acting. And of course our rehearsals cover some of this also. And the rain wasn't too bad. We really didn't have a downpour, it was more of a morning misting. Dresses where wet and muddy, but the afternoon turned out to be very pleasent.:)

I have to get my drivers license renewed this week. I just can't stand going to the DMV, and getting my picture taken! :+

Have a great day!

Hi Ladies, Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend!

My best friend of 28 years came and spent the weekend with us. It was so good to see her. She and I went out alone Saturday and had fun catching up.

Today will be my Nordic Track for 30 mins and Pilates Power Sculpt for 45. I'll be walking the dog at some point also.

Have a great Monday! Susan
Susan -
How nice you were able to get together alone with your friend. I have a friend I've known since we were sophomores in high school so only 27 years - not 28 ;) but we still enjoy getting together. I just wish she lived closer. . .

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