Buff Badgers 7/17


Hi BBs,

Laurie is on vacation so I will get us started. I wonder if she was working at RF this weekend. I can't imagine being in those costumes with the heat.

Cynthia - you should be feeling like you are back in AZ. Have you read the scoop on VF about Christi's plans for her workouts? Not too many are happy about this.

I did the 10 min solution Carb Burner workout this morning. I had this for ages and just did it. Not bad for simple cardio which is great for early mornings. Tired of the heat so don't think I would do very well in AZ. DH is on his way to SC for a few days. I am home with crazy dogs and a refrigerator full of cucumbers from the garden to eat. I can't keep up with them.

GT is 5:30 next Tuesday at Tumbleweeds for any BBs that checks here. I will see if I have Jill's email to let her know if she doesn't check in today.
Hi, Marie and other BBs that follow.

I read on VF about Christi's plans for her new workouts and I don't like it either. Just send me a DVD and be done with it! I don't want to download anything and I certainly am not moving our PC into my workout area. I wonder who they surveyed to determine this is what people want.

Saturday was just too hot to workout so I took a rest day. After nearly melting at DS' bb game in the morning, I brought an umbrella to DD's game in the afternoon. It was still miserable but I was proud of the girls for sticking it out.

Sunday was Imax3 and today was GS-CT + ME abs.

Visited my mom yesterday and my younger brother was there. Let me just say it would have been a much nicer visit without him. x( I always used to think that for the most part my brothers and sisters turned out pretty well considering there are 12 of us and chances are pretty good one of us would end up screwed up. Well, Brian (little brother) is the one. . . He and his SO both do drugs and the drugs are causing increasingly odd and paranoid behavior. But you can't tell him that. Oh, no. He'll argue with you about conspiracy theories, being blacklisted and how marijuana should be legal anyway. Hard to believe we're related. . .

Have a great day!

Hi Sue - good to know I am not alone! My sympathies on your brother situation. I guess 1 out of 12 isn't bad but still that one can be more than any family wants to deal with.

I read how Christi was talking about options if your computer is not in the same room. Mine is on another floor so I can't see running back and forth between floors. That would be enough exercise right there. Maybe I just don't understand the technology but prefer the DVD in my hot little hands. They will be kicking and dragging me to accept this technology.

A heads up on new frozen entrees that are great. Kashi came out with some that I think are very tasty and filling. I have only found them at Health Hut so far. For WW they are either 5 or 6 points and tons of fiber.

DH just left me a message from the airport in Chicago. Right before his flight was to leave the pilots said they weren't going to take off because it was too hot! I have never heard of such a thing. Yes it is warm but what about all flights in and out of Vegas and AZ??? I am waiting for him to call back to let me know what he is going to do.

I emailed Jill and let her know about Tuesday. She is busy and has some showings on the house. No word regarding the GT but at least she knows.

Gosh I am chatty today!!! Just happy I'm not talking to myself anymore!! :+
Thanks for the heads up on Kashi frozen dinners - will have to look for these. I usually bring a Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones dinner for lunch since they're so convenient so it'll be good to have some new flavors to try.

Too hot to fly? I guess it makes sense but you bring up a good point about AZ and other hot places. Maybe some airports are better equipped to handle the hot weather than others? Kind of like Wisconsin is prepared to salt and plow the streets after a snowfall but an inch of snow in Atlanta will shut down the city.

On the Christi Taylor thing. . . some people are saying the quality is not the same as factory produced DVDs and this makes sense to me. I'd also think they'd have a nightmare of tech support issues trying to help everyone download on a wide variety of operating systems (Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP, Mac) with different software, firewalls, security settings, etc. Look at all the technical questions Cathe gets on DVD players and issues with DVDs they released under their control. This is much more complicated, plus now you're putting the control in the consumers hands so if they do something wrong you know they'll blame the product before they blame themselves.


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