Buff Badgers 6/21


Morning BB's,

What a morning and quite a drive into work this morning. x(

Today is a 4 mile run, Seg 1 of Coremax and BBW. And we are suppose to have a softball game tonight. We will see, the T-Storms are suppose to last on and off all day.

Sue, my kids like there junk food also. I'm just glad that they supliment the junk with fruit too. :D

Have a great day!

Hi Laurie and any BBs that follow:
I did Precision Strength this morning. This is the new Kimberly Spreen and it it a nice little short workout. A few things I couldn't do though at 4:30am. I think Collage has a clip now if anyone is interested in checking it out.

Wrestling with an Excel Spreadsheet today that doesn't want to do what it is supposed to. Well actually all but one total which I can't figure out why it isn't working like it should.

I just got to work when the rain started to really come down so even with the umbrella I got soaked.

WW is having a summer special and I am thinking of re-joining. I actually like the meetings so prefer going to a meeting than on-line. The one I went to was before work and I like that group although I also like getting to work early before traffic and parking get too crazy so that is my only issue. But it is only 1 day. Other option is a Sat morning meeting but I do like the Wed AM group.

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