BUFF BADGERS 3/19 - 3/23


Hi there! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Mine went well. Saturday's workout was RS. Sunday I took off.

Saturday I sat down and wrote out a new workout program. I am using Cathe's cardio but my own weight routine. I also am going to be getting up early to do my workouts in the morning from now on.

So, today I was up at 4am! I did CTX Kickbox Cardio and then a leg routine. Afterwards I walked the dog. It was nice and I was happy with how good it felt. I used to get up early all the time but about a year ago I stopped and started exercising in the afternoons. I much rather prefer the mornings!

Have a good Monday! Susan
Morning BB's,

Today I'm starting a Barry's Bootcamp rotation. So it will be Arms & Abs plus cardio.

Yesterday we celebrated my DD's birthdays. They both have their birthdays this month, so we celebrated with the families. Of course I had to have some cake. I'm not a big fan of frosting, but this wasn't bad. :9 Today is youngest DD's birthday, she is the big 10. And all she could say was "I'm in double digets!" DD13 will turn 14 next week.

Susan, 4am is the time I would have to get up also. But then I would never get to see DH during the week, so that is why I opt to do after work exercises. :) Sounds like you had a great workout this morning.}(

Have a great day!

Hi all,

Today I did spinning with cardio coach 6 and a segment from stretchmax.

Laurie, let me know how you like the Barry's workouts? Glad you enjoyed the cake. The frosting is my favorite part. I get to eat some this week also. Friday is DD15 going on 16 and next Wed is DS12 going on 13. We are celebrating this weekend with family and friends. March is a busy birthday month.

Susan, I could never get up that early. I guess I just wouldn't work out if that was my only option. It is nice to get out and walk some. Sometimes you just have to breath some fresh air.

Sue, hope you had a relaxing weekend. Have fun with your P90X workouts.

Have a nice day.
Susan - Good job at getting up at 4 a.m. Just wait until it's lighter out in the morning and you jog or walk outside when the sun is just coming up and the neighborhood is peaceful. Love it.

Laurie - Have fun with Barry's Bootcamp!

Karen - Happy spinning today! It was more of a productive weekend than a relaxing one and it went way too fast - as always. ;-)

Lots of March babies in this group, huh? My kids were both born in April so only 1 month off. I haven't started making birthday plans so I guess I better get going on that.

Tried X Stretch on Saturday. It was okay but I like Stretch Max better. Starting week 3 of P90X so yesterday was Chest & Back and today was Plyometrics. Skipped ARX yesterday because I was busy helping the kids with their display for the science fair so I'll have to do it tonight.

The kids tested various liquids with Mentos to see which gave the best "eruption". Their hypothesis was that it was the carbonation in the liquid which caused the reaction and they proved it. Diet Coke gave the biggest explosion (measured in height and weight of soda remaining in the bottle). Interesting enough, they also tried flat soda (they left the cap off the 2 liter bottle for 6 days prior to their test) and flat Diet Coke did nothing but flat diet Sam's Cola (Walmart brand) still had an impressive eruption.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Sue, sounds like the kids had a fun time with the mentos and soda. Interesting that flat walmart brand still had oomph. Anyway, I like stretchmax much better the X stretch too. Do the kids get judged at the science fair?

Talk later.

Only one more day til Spring!:)

Today I woke up early again and did my Nordic Track for 30 minutes followed by a chest/back/shoulder workout.

Stay strong- Susan
Morning BB's,

Today is Barry's Legs & Butt plus the treadmill cardio. I wrote this up in another tread about Barry's Arms & Abs.

No warm up, but I figured that out from the other ones. This one is instructed by Barry himself. At first it seems as if he is yelling at the people, and then as you are working his yelling actually makes you want to continue and not stop. Evil man! I will try to remember what the workout consisted of.
Jumping Jacks
Tricep Headbangers do the push-ups/triceps two more times
Bicep Curls
Tricep Dips do these two exercises two more times
Bicep 21's
Lying Tricep work
Bicep (can't remember)
Tricep Overhead Press
Abs I'm missing something in here, but needless to say when I looked at my biceps they where bulging and hard as a rock.

Cardio (Hope I can remember!) Each of these where 1 min. each.
Fast Feet
Jumping Jacks
Toe Touches off the step (they used 12", I had 10")
Power Scissors (He called them Flunges -fast lunges)
Burpees (jump,squat,push-up,squat repeat 12 times)
Fast Bicycle
Jump on and off step (I jumped up onto the step, but did a step down)
Then we did a sequence of the following: 4 Jumping Jacks, 4 squats, 8 flunges.
Repeat the whole sequence.

The cardio workout was less than 20 min., but even without the HRM on I was huffing and puffing. I had to pause between some of the exercises.

My SIL asked if I wanted to play kickball this summer. What do you all think? I haven't played since I was in grade school. There is a place by us called Waynz World and they have volleyball, kickball and dodgeball leagues. It would only be 5 min. away from my house. :)

Susan, I'm looking forward to spring too. Can't wait for things to start turning green. Good for you getting up early again. Keep up the great work.

Karen, Yes there are lost of b'days in March. I have a niece and a nephew who also have their b'days this month. My nephew turns 17 on the 30th. When I see him I feel so old. My tiny nephew is now 6'5", and gives Auntie Laurie bear hugs when I see him. :)

Sue, That experiment sounds like lost of fun. I have to say that I really liked XStretch. :)

Have a great day!

Good Morning,

Today I did MM. I can barely make it through any workout lately. Everything seems hard.

Laurie, Those floor cardio's in BB are tough. I just can't make myself do them. For some reason I can make myself do any of Cathe's workouts but it's not the same with any other instructor. The older people get around us, the older we feel. Cute he still gives you bear hugs. I think kick ball would be a blast. Not as much coordination as some of the other sports you mentioned. Give it a whirl.

Have to go clean for the party on Friday. Have a great day everyone.
Karen - Yes, they do get judged and everyone receives at least a participation ribbon. I guess there's another Diet Coke & Mentos project so I'm sure there'll be comparisons between the 2. We had a late start to our project because of the weather but I think it turned out pretty well. Next year we're definitely doing an indoor project! Musclemax is a hard workout but if it feels harder than it used to for no apparent reason (like increasing your weights), maybe that's a sign from your body to slow down. Have you been getting enough sleep? When was your last checkup (non-ob/gyn)? Sorry for being a busy body. I just don't want to see you get injured.

Laurie - Kickball sounds fun! Barry's Bootcamp (and Barry himself) sound evil (in a good way). I may have to look into these. Right now I'm waiting for Traci's Sweatfest - I ordered the cardio one (kickbox and something else - can't remember).

Susan - Were the birds chirping before you were up this morning or did you beat the birds? ;-) Just before my alarm clock went off at 4:45, I heard them.

I had to get up slightly early this morning so I could go to the dentist for a crown. Lucky me, right? Wrong! My whole mouth is numb 4 1/2 hours later. Maybe it's a blessing I won't be able to eat much today. Stomach is grumbling though. . . Did Arms & Shoulders this morning. Tonight I'll do Ab Ripper and go for my walk. I like splitting up the ab work from the other weight work because I'm too wiped out after weights to do anything else.

Sue, good idea picking an indoor project next year. You just can't count on the weather. I didn't up my weights just did what Cathe does. That workout used to be no problem. Its been a few years since I've gone to the Dr. but they always say I'm fine anyway. No I haven't been sleeping. Not for a long time. Some nights I don't sleep at all. I have had something up with my throat? for a long time that makes it hard to swallow but I had tests done and they say I double swallow everything and then they let it go. Don't have much faith in doctors so I am takinig homeopathic sleeping pills. Sometimes they work if my nose and throat aren't to bad, sometimes they don't. sorry so long winded. Just have no motivation to do anything.

Have a good day.
Oh, Karen! That sounds awful! Don't you hate it when doctors can't figure out what's going on? And not getting much sleep and taking care of 6 kids has to tough on you. I know I'd be a walking zombie. Have you seen a specialist or just your regular doc?

Happy Spring!:)

Looks like the weekend weather is going to be nice too - 58 by me!

I got IMAX 2 done early this morning. I didn't think I'd be able to handle waking up and bouncing around like that but I made it through!

Have a great day! Susan
Morning BB's,

Today will be Barry's Shoulders & Back plus the cardio. If I remember the cardio in this one isn't as intense as the Arms & Abs. :D My legs would probably fall off today if it where to intense. }(

Karen, So sorry to hear about the energy level and not sleeping. That can be really taxing on the body. You just do what you need to. We are here for moral support. :)

Susan, You are rocking on your morning workouts! }( Keep up the great work. Let us know if you notice a difference from doing your morning vs. evening workouts.

Sue, Wow that is a long time to be numb from dental work. The dentist must have really shot your mouth full. x( I have a crown too, but it was in the back of my mouth so it wasn't bad at all. Great idea putting the ab work later. If I did that I probably could finish the mason twists all the way through. :D

DH came home last night early, which was nice. He rented Casino Royale. Now I have a fondness for Pierce and Sean. For the first 30 min of this movie I don't think there was more that 15 words spoken. It was a lot of killing. He is a handsome guy, but not Pierce good looking. :D :+ It was an ok movie, or I am just biased.

Have a great day!

Hi BB's,

Today I did warmup and 1st combo of Body Max 2 then Barry's Bootcamp arms & abs step cardio and finished with 2nd and 3rd combos of BM2. Also did a segment of stretchmax.

Laurie, I've never heard of Casino Royale. I probably won't after your review. It was nice that DH came home early with a movie. Are you liking your rotation with Barry?

Sue, how is your mouth feeling? I hope you made up for not being able to eat very much. We wouldn't want to deprive ourselves. Do you still like the X workouts are you getting burned out? I saw a ENT and speech therapist-long weird recomendation. Doctors don't have a clue unless you know what's wrong with yourself.

Susan, great job getting up that early and getting your workouts done. What dedication.

Have to go wash some floors. Have a great day everyone.
Karen - Ditto what Laurie said. I'm here to support you, not tell you what to do (hope you didn't take it that way). Yes, my mouth is still sore today with a little swelling. DH made spaghetti and meatballs last night which I did fine with since they were small meatballs and soft. I know what you mean about having to tell the doctors what's wrong with you. I was going to doctors for several months with stomach pain and it wasn't until an ER doc mentioned it could be my gaIlbladder and I told my primary doc this that I finally had a good diagnosis. Later my primary doc said "Yeah I can't remember why it was I tested your gall bladder in the first place". It was because I told you, stupid! (I didn't really say that.:+ )

Susan - It IS hard to get up early and do one of the Imaxes. I have to start psyching myself up the night before. So do you eat anything before you workout? I used to workout on an empty stomach but I can't do that with Cathe or P90X so I have a little oatmeal or cereal first thing.

Laurie - My dentist really overdoes it on the novocaine.x( I should have remembered that from last time when he did a filling. So how would you compare Barry to Tony?

I'm fighting a bad cold so I went to bed early last night and slept in this morning so no workout today. This is my first cold this winter (although it's officially spring now) so I thought I wasn't going to get one.

Happy Spring!

Sue, you crack me up. I didn't think you would really say that. I've thought that many time and not said it myself. Glad your mouth is a bit better. Sorry to hear you caught a cold. Rest and take care.

It's raining here. Spring is here!!

Have a nice day everyone. Back to cleaning. All the cleaning I do you would think I lived in a mansion. I don't.
Oh, I forgot, thanks for your friendships, and I didn't mean to complain, my life is great. I would neve think anyone was telling me what to do, just caring. Thanks again.
Hi Sue, no I don't eat anything before hand. It doesn't bother me until I do AB work. Doing crunches on an empty stomeache gives me a tummy ache!

Hope your cold doesn't last long!


Hi Ladies! I am in a hurry but wanted to touch base!

Woke up and did MIC hi/lo and then biceps/triceps/abs.

Have a great day! Susan
Morning BB's,

Today I'm going to do some yoga, Bryan Kest Power Yoga Tone. So far I'm having a great time with the BBC workouts. Yesterday was Shoulders and Back, but they should have also included Abs in the description. I like the fact that you can get cardio into your day without having to spend an hour doing it. They are like CTX, but I'm not feeling the soreness in my knees like I did with CTX. I'm trying to figure that one out. Is it because of the step?

Susan, you are still rocking on the workouts. Keep up the great work.

Sue, The workouts are different in that the BBC has cardio with every workout. The similarity is in the way they do the circuit type workout. Going from one part to another. BBC you need to do lighter weights for the amount of reps or you could slow it down and do just like P90X. But I think that after doing a X rotation, these would be a great option. Barry is more of a drill sergent (but with a smile) vs Tony's happy go lucky way. Hope I explained that one good enough. The cardio in BBC would be like just doing the blasts from Imax's or bootcamp. Then repeating the whole sequence. :D

Karen, Yep I'm liking the Barry's so far. I have always enjoyed the more athletic type workouts. I'm so glad that I have found Barry and Tony. I enjoy step and Hi/Lo, but it was starting to have a dread factor for me. Now I'm looking at all the options I do have available. :D

Have a great day!


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