Bruised Tailbone?


Has anyone ever bruised their tailbone?

On Monday it will be 2 weeks since both of my feet slipped out from under me when I stepped on some black ice on my driveway. Ever since the fall I can not pick up anything without it being sore. I really don't think that I broke anything because I can squat, lunge, lift my legs straight out, etc. just fine without weight. Besides lifting weights it also hurts if I try to do a side kick or if I try to lower myself from a sitting position to my back for ab work. I've tried to give it time to heal and have not exercised since the injury. Does this sound like I have done something other than bruise the area, maybe fracture my tailbone? I hope someone has some information that might help me evaluate if I should seek medical advice. Thanks!!
I fractured my tailbone 2 years ago and there wasn't anything that could be done about it except wait for it to heal. I think it took about 3 weeks. Ibuprofin helped when it was really hurting.

Hope you feel better soon!

I broke my tailbone when I was 13. It was my first fracture, so far I have had 9, but I digress. There is nothing you can do but wait, I second that. I made a one-point landing off of a horse. Going up the stairs is hell! Sitting down and getting up is also hell. Just take it slow, use your arms for support. It'll be about 6 weeks until it's ok. I know how much it hurts. Sorry you hurt yourself.
I hurt my tailbone years ago, was very painful to sit. I'm sure people have many differing opinions on this, but I went to a chiropractor, one that I knew and trusted, and he "fixed" my tailbone. It immediately felt better. Just my input...
Thank you all for your advice and encouraging words. I'm positive now that I only bruised the area and did not break anything, mainly because I'm not in as much pain as the ones who fractured theirs. I think that I will try to take it easy for another week, but I might try to do some low impact cardio. On the bright side, even though I have not exercised in 2 weeks or ate well for that matter, I have not gained any weight. I hope I can keep it up.

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