Broken Tape!!


Hi Everyone!! Last night I wanted to do Slow & Heavy Legs and Shoulders and guess what my horrible VCR ate up the tape!! OMG! I was so upset that I was banging the TV and crying like a little child.:'( I was wondering if anyone by some slim and I do mean slim chance doesn't happen to like this tape and would be willing to make a trade with me. I did, however, last night email customer service and told them my problem. I'm hoping that I can purchase just this 1 tape instead of the whole box set again for $49.99. Oh how upsetting. I checked on Ebay, Videofitness and Serieshomefitness and came up with nothing!! Can anybody help me? Thanks so much everyone, Kathy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-09-02 AT 03:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry I misread your message.
I would think that if SNM has record of your purchase of the set they will at least sell you a single tape of the set under these circumstances. It's bound to have come up b4 with other sets.

When I bought the CTX series that was one question I asked. If one tape broke later on...can you buy just one. At that time the answer was yes and the cost of the one tape was very reasonable. You have to return the broken tape, so make sure you don't throw it away. I am sure they will work with you..........Jodi

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