Britney Spear's Opps....


Have you seen or heard about her news???

Well, she was caught on camera getting out of a car going commando...if you catch my drift.

What was she thinking? Does she not own underwear? I hear her c section scar is in plain view. Yuk!!!

Oh, and she was with Paris when it happened.

K...I am retarded!!! I meant oops!!!! Not opps!!

Sorry, I did not get much sleep last night!

she's a moron.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
And to think this is what our girls have as role models... Her, Paris and the bimbo who is advertising Direct TV and proclaiming to the world that's she's stupid, but that's fine because she's "hot". (Oh that commerical burns me every time I see it). Thank heavens my daughters go to a school where academics are highly prized, even if you are "hot".
That would be Jessica Simpson on that directv commercial. I am with you it irritates me everytime I see it too. I have seen her on talks shows saying that she just pretends to be dumb. I say whatever that just makes you even more stupid!!
Yeah, I don't get her. I mean, she dumps kfed (or whoever he is) and gets cleaned up. (She was starting to look pretty trashy!) Now, here she is complete trash again.

BEWARE OF DOING A GOOGLE SEARCH!!! All I can say is at least she shaved....ewwwwwwwww,ewwwwwwww,ewwwwwwww!!!!!

Seriously though, if you do the google search, it looks like she is doing this on purpose. In one pic she is bending over to get in the car with her fat butt hanging out. (I know that is mean, but so is showing it all to the world) Why would she bend over like that??? Publicity? She already makes every gossip magazine. Where are her babies?

#1...If I had a micromini on, I would wear underwear...BIG underwear
#2...I would not spread my legs to get out of the car.

It is all pretty fishy to me...(no pun intended)

everytime she whines about the media up her butt(hehehehe pun intended), my dad says she is obvious to read tha she likes that attention. he used to be a journalist, and can tell through the fake tears its all a publicity stunt. since nothing else is going on in her career she has to keep herself in the papers.

as for "kfed" i haven't been able to watch monday night wrestling in weeks b/c he keeps popping up. ruining my whole show for me, been watching WWE since it was WWF(fake or not its just fun)and i see rating going in the toliet with this guy. both complete trash, when do i get my 15 minutes of fame for being a lunk-head. i would like to make a million or so for just being dumb. LOL


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
what I wonder is---doesn't she have the normal female functions going on down there? I mean, come on, there are reasons we wear underwear and that is only one of them....but an important one to me!
No, we don't, but unfortunately "news" shows and websites throw it in your face, so, even if you could care less, you know about it!

My only thought on her and the other talent-less "stars" out there, who will do ANYthing to have their names and various parts of their anatomy spread across the news (speaking of--- exactly WHEN will Madonna's 15 minutes be up?), is no matter how much money you have, you just cannot buy class.
ewww, i found it. I'm not sure i really wanted to see THAT! All i have to say is that she MUST have done it intentionally. Her dress was hiked up to her hip area!! What a sleeze. Oh, and I think she could benefit from a few cathe workouts......
Too funny fach!! It wasn't the most...ummm flattering picture was it? It looks like she "did it again" as well. 3 times in one week is not an accident!! Maybe panties are no longer fasionable?

This is why I have turned off the I don't have to look at that crap although I can see why people get a few laughs out of it...or throw up. ;-)
I often wonder if she ever regrets recording the song, "Oops, I did it again". It seems the media uses it a lot when talking about her many many screw ups. Or maybe that's WHY she did it--she knew it would be used a lot...

And yeah, that picture is nasty. I bet she regrets that one now that Fed Ex has filed for full custody.

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