Briee, looking for your birthing story...


Hey Briee. Haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Does this mean you are holding your little angel? Even as I type this post? Miss you & look forward to hearing your story...

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I got an email from her this morning, and as of 9ish eastern time she was still pregnant. Hmm, maybe she has had the baby by now, its almost 8pm :)

Briee, we are all thinking of you!!
Drats! Wishful thinking. Briee, you're in my prayers sweetie.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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