She is not wasting her posts on me....actually I think she is restraining herself. You know I hear that when you get to post 2000 they bump you completely off the board in cyberspace and you're never allowed to post again. Don't tell Debbie though. }( }( }( he he
Now seriously Debbie.....have you begun to plan for post 2000. You know this is really big. Like maybe you could travel to the Virgin Islands and post your 2000th from a lap top on the beach, or maybe the Eiffle (I slaughtered that spelling didn't I) Tower, or maybe we could just throw you a party at Cathe's Gym and you could post from there. You really better start thinking about this it's coming up really FAST.
And to Julie.....get your tush over to that "almost dead ecto thread" and post for heaven's sake!!!!! (we miss you!)