Breathing and Stretching ?


Please help, educated crowd!

I am new to lifting and just this morning struggled through S&H legs and shoulders. I went extremely light (3-5 pound dumbells) to focus on form, based on a recommendation in one of Cathe's previous posts. However, long before I exhausted my muscles I got lightheaded and broke into a cold clammy sweat. DH suggested that I might be breathing wrong during the LONG exertion phase. Maybe I'm holding my breath? Is this likely/possible? Should I try a long slow continuous exhale or short puffy breaths? Any thoughts at all??? Also, I did the biceps routine from CTX last week (also with light weights) and couldn't move my elbows for nearly 4 days. Any stretching suggestions?

Thanks in advance, Katie
Hi Katie,
I'll also be interested in the replies you get about the breathing, but I still have to remind myself almost every workout to exhale during the lift/exertion phase. Thank goodness Cathe will throw in reminders here and there in her tapes. I try for full meaningful exhales, really expelling the air, and likewise, when inhaling, I try to really bring in full breaths.

As far as stretching, I will tell you about a stretching tape I absolutely love! It's dated (1989), but in 30 min. you stretch every muscle you've got from neck to toe! It's Denise Austin's Stretch & Flex, and it's available on her website, for $9.95. It's just pure stretching, and I feel wonderful after those 30 min every Sunday!
P.S. It's funny you would mention your elbows because when I first began weight training, my elbows were always the sorest part of my body for several weeks until I assume my body adjusted to the fact that I wasn't going to stop! But be careful you're not putting too much stress on your joints. I believe some degree of soreness is expected when you pick back up with weights after being off them for a while. I know I experience soreness to some degree each time I increase weight in almost any exercise.
C~ya, Donna
Donna: Thanks for the note. I really tried concentrating on breathing full, powerful breaths today and it seemed to help (might also have been just the lying down for S&H chest/back! HA)The only time I felt slightly lightheaded was in the bent over position for deadlifts and rows, so I focused on really filling my chest with air and the feeling passed. I think I was holding my breath a little with each reminder to stabilize my core and for the extended exertion.

I'm still interested in any tips that others might have. If I'm going to learn to lift weights, I want to learn it right the first time!

Have a great day! Katie
Hey Katie, I think this is a really great question, and I think you should re-post it on the "ask Cathe" forum where Cathe is more likely to see it and respond. I've never gotten light-headed, but often my breathing is off, especially when doing sets that require a slower lowering of the weights. I never know if I'm suppose to be inhaling that whole time in preparation to exhale on the next lift, breathe normally until I get to the lift,..? So I'm really interested in the replies as well.

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