Breast pain/breast infections


Just wondered if any of you out there has had problems with reoccurant breast infections while nursing. Last pregnancy when I had them I was run through the typical antibiotic therapy, but always had them reoccur. They then realized that it was mold related (we lived in an old home with moldy basement). We moved into a new home and had another baby. I'm much better after going through a candida cleanse and have eliminated sugars natural and fruit from my diet. I was also diagnosed prior to being pregnant with fibrocystic breasts and I'm sure that this is a contributing factor. For this I have been taking primrose oil, lecithin, vitamin E and limiting fats (also using natural progesterone cream). I eat no dairy or meat. Like I said, I'm doing much better, but wondered if anyone else out there has this problem.

Also, if I wear any kind of bra, including nursing bras, I get a plugged duct and this usually goes into an infection in no time. Yes these are properly fitting. I can't even wear a thin swimsuit without getting a sore spot, any pressure results in sore spots. I HATE not being able to wear a bra when I go out anywhere. Needless to say RS has been a challenge with all that jumping around, but I'm managing. MIS and PH are going great as there isn't so much bouncing. Guess I just wanted to know if anyone else has dealt with this and how they handled it. Thanks so much.


I so feel your pain. Yes, I had this problem big time with my first 2 kids. I kept getting mastitis and it was so painful. With my second I developed an absess that had to be drained and had to stop nursing because when I pumped what came out was more blood than milk. IT was horrible.

This baby, I did not attempt to nurse. I know nursing is a wonderful experience and great for the baby when I works, but for my unfortunatly my memories of it are painful and unpleasant. So my third baby went right on the bottle from birth. I do feel good though knowing I gave nursing a good try. My doctor and pediatrician at the time were surprized I even attempted to nurse my second child after I failed with my first. If you do choose to bottlefeed, don't feel guilty about it. My kids are thriving. In fact my 5 year old is reading very well and has not even started kindergarden yet!!

Good luck to you.


P.S. I have fibroids in my breasts also, I wonder if that caused my problems??
Thanks so much for your understanding and encouragement Marci. I too wonder if the fibroids are the biggest problem. I'm hoping to wean Hannah as soon as possible. She is five months old. Problem is she has never had a bottle and when we tried to give it she was not interested in the least bit, hope we can switch her over at some point here. Do you have breast pain when you are not nursing?? I'm hoping I won't have problems when I'm not nursing. Thanks again,


No, I don't have breast pain when not nursing. The first 3 weeks after Michael was born were very hard with my milk coming in, but now that is all past and no more pain. Of course when my period comes back, I always get the usual pre-period tenderness but it is nothing hard. The only inconvience to this condition is that it makes it almost impossible to do self breast exams for cancer but my doctor tells me that is not an excuse because he says if I do regular self exams I will get to know where the lumps are and tell if something new appears.

As for bottle feeding, maybe go to the store and buy a bunch of differnet nipple/bottle types and experiment to see what works for you baby?? With my first child, we had to try 4 different bottle/nipples before we found one he would accept. But I was SOOO happy when the adjustment was made.

Good luck to you.

Thanks Marci, I just found a bottle on the internet by Adiri, I believe. It arrived, but haven't tried it yet. It's shaped just like well...a breast. It is soft silicone. I'm hoping she might take to this and then I can ultimately switch her to a normal bottle. Helpful to know that it took you a few tries, I need to try harder to get her to accept it!!!!Thanks again


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