Breast milk production and birth control


Okay...question. I would like to know if any of you nursing moms have experienced a drop in milk production when you began taking oral contraceptives, or depro provera, or any other type of contraception?

I ask this because we are attempting to find some ways to make my milk production not go crazy again. I'm afraid even though I'm not planning to nurse this time due to the terrible breast infections that I get, my milk will still come in in full force and the doctor is going to give me an oral contraceptive to try to decrease levels of prolactin which makes all this milk. I just wondered if any of you have experienced a drop in milk when you've taken these. I would take them only until my milk is dried up. I'm a pretty radical naturalist so this is not a whistful decision here. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have.


Progestin only contraceptives (Depo Porvera, Mini Pills) may increase milk production, so they are the preferred hormonal method breastfeeding moms. There is some debate regarding this. Progestin is a synthetic progesterone. I used Progestin Only Pills while I breastfed and experienced no reduction milk... I can't remember if it increased it though. Here is a link that discusses the effects of hormoal contraception on milk... it is written for breastfeeding women but contains good information

Combination oral contraceptives are a combination of estrogen and progestin. Based on the physiology of lactation, it would make sense that these pills would decrease the quantity of milk. There is no strong medical evidence supporting this though. I have never had a client on combination pills while breastfeeding, so I don't have clinical experience regarding this. I have had clients who continue to leak milk until they stopped hormonal contraceptives (Progestin only methods & combination mehtods) for a few months and then went back on the method without further leaking.

Hope this helps! Good luck... I am hoping you don't have any problems!!


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